yoggie Translations

ID Unverified
Over 12 years ago
Japanese (Native) English
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
yoggie English → Japanese
Original Text

Thank you for your order.Recently, as for the 18th Chinese congress of party representatives, the parcel shipped by China Post have be checked strictly, and all the parcels can not include betteries.So for the helicopters, now only can ship out by Singapore post parcel,but will cost more.Here we send this mail to you ask for your advice do you still want this item to ship out by Singapore and pay more shipping cost or wait about one month to ship out by china post air parcel ?
Please tell us your opinion and looking forward to your early reply.
Warmly regards



yoggie English → Japanese
Original Text

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yoggie English → Japanese
Original Text

12 Tips for Success in Chinese Social Media

We get inquiries all the time from companies that are looking to get into Chinese social media and wondering how to go about it. That’s a very complicated question, and the answer can vary quite a bit, but I came across this list of tips from Jin Pengyuan on Sina Tech’s new Entrepreneur column and it’s a damn good start. The full list has fifty tips, each the length of a Chinese weibo post, and it is definitely worth reading. But I thought I’d translate a dozen of the most important tips here for those who can’t read Chinese. (Note:In some cases, I have condensed or otherwise edited these tips for clarity, so this isn’t a direct translation. The emphasis is also mine.)



我々は、常に、中国のソーシャルメディアに参入したいと思い、どうしようか模索している企業から問い合わせを受けている。とても複雑な質問で、答えはとても多岐にわたるのだが、Sina Techの新しい起業家コラムのJin Pengyuanのこのヒントのリストを見つけた。これはなかなかよいスタートだ。リストには50ものヒントがあり、それぞれが中国のweiboの投稿の長さだが、本当に読む価値がある。しかし、中国語が分からない人たちのために、ここに最も重要と思われるヒントを1ダース翻訳しようと思った。(注意:いくつか、分かりやすくするために要約したり、編集したりしており、直訳ではない。強調についても私が行ったものだ。)