yoggie Translations

ID Unverified
Over 12 years ago
Japanese (Native) English
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
yoggie English → Japanese
Original Text

Google also revealed some incredible figures about Android adoption in the Indian market, most notably that India is now the fourth largest market in the world in terms of downloads, with device activations up 400 percent in the last year. We understand that Japan and Korea are second and third respectively in terms of downloads, and (while it hasn’t been announced) presumably the US is number one.

Analyst Chetan Sharma noted back in May that while India has the world’s second largest total of mobile subscribers (behind China), it isn’t even in the top ten in data revenue or data usage. So its encouraging to hear this news from Google that things finally look to be picking up on the smartphone side.



アナリストのChetan Sharmaは、インドがモバイル加入者数については(中国に次いで)2位であり、データ収入やデータ使用についてはトップ10にも入っていない、と5月に述べていた。だから、Googleから、事態はついにスマートフォン再度に追いついてきたというニュースを聞くと、元気づけられる。

yoggie English → Japanese
Original Text

Many attribute the American company failures to government regulations or favoritism. While these played a part in their failure, there were other more relevant reasons related to the companies themselves:

1. Too short-term focused – China is a large market requiring much patience. American companies often prioritize globally based on profitability, or cut-back across all regions during economic downturns. But these moves often prove to be penny-wise, pound-foolish. They save some money in the short-term, but hand over market share to the competitors. Examples: AOL entered and exited China twice — each exit caused by its own financial woes, while the China market was booming.




yoggie English → Japanese
Original Text

3. Slow global processes – Chinese market can be sufficiently different to require exceptions, but American companies care greatly about maintaining a single global platform. These decisions will maintain integrity of the global platform, but may give up the local market share. Example: eBay bought the market leader Eachnet, and then killed its platform in favor of the eBay platform hosted in the US, which was a disaster. Another example was eBay relied on seller reputation, but in China that was not enough, and Alipay came up with an escrow payment which won the battle and the war.



yoggie English → Japanese
Original Text

Using this online platform and its existing apps, teachers and students can easily access and manage classes, assignments, and notes in the cloud. Not only is the interface cleaner and tidier than normal learning management systems, it bears mild resemblance to Facebook’s interface, and thereby making it very intuitive. This familiarity then allows users to quickly master the interface without any initial training or time commitment. Other unique aspects to Language Cloud that differentiates it from others is its social aspect. Other than the usual groups and forum chats, Language Cloud features a section where you can follow other members of the school such as teachers and students.


このオンラインプラットフォームと既存のアプリを使うことで、教師と学生が簡単に連絡を取り合い、授業や宿題、ノートなどをクラウドで管理することができる。このインターフェイスはノーマルの学習マネジメントシステムよりもクリアで分かりやすいだけでなく、Facebookのインターフェイスに似ているためとても直観的なものとなっている。なじみやすいので、ユーザーは事前に訓練を受けたりコミットメントの時間を使うことなく、すぐにマスターすることができる。このLanguage Cloudに独特な特徴として他と違うのは、ソーシャルであることである。一般のグループやフォーラムのチャットだけでなく、Language Cloudは教師や学生など校内のほかのメンバーに続けていけるようなセクションを特徴としている。