yoggie Translations

ID Unverified
Over 12 years ago
Japanese (Native) English
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
yoggie English → Japanese
Original Text

Mobile, the future of Internet

With such robust growth, Tanaka still wasn’t satisfied. He told me:

" I always believed that the future of Internet is mobile. Back then I predicted that by 2010, the mobile market will be larger than the web market and that was why we wanted to build GREE to be a mobile-focused social networking service instead."

Even with all the funding and partnerships ongoing, Tanaka already had his mobile plans in the pipeline. However, it wasn’t just a mobile social networking service that Tanaka was planning.

"Just social networking on mobile is boring. We wanted to introduce games to our users. And [gaming was] also planned as a business model for GREE.”







yoggie English → Japanese
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Even though Bemmu’s service looks pretty successful so far, with $36,000 worth of candy shipped so far, he notes that his subscriber count peaked at around 300 and started to subsequently decline. I asked Bemmu, if he could increase the number of subscriptions [2], could he still handle the higher volume in shipments? He explains:

" If I could find a sustainable source of traffic that converts well enough and is cheap enough to continue buying, there is nothing really unscalable about back-end of the business. I would be able to handle 10,000 subscribers if that amount suddenly subscribed tomorrow. Almost everything is automated and I have a partnership with a company that helps me fulfill the orders."




yoggie English → Japanese ★★★★☆ 4.0
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Today we received a package for you from Gravity Check which was incorrectly addressed. In order to avoid delays, your new MyUS.com address and suite number must be shown on all packages and merchandise that you have shipped here. When you place orders with any merchants, please verify and update your shipping address with your complete MyUS.com address and suite number. Please specifically make a note to update your address with the particular retailer noted above. Each package that arrives to our facility with an incomplete, inaccurate or old address requires special handling.


今日、Gravity Checkから、あなた宛ての荷物を受け取りました。住所に間違いがあったようです。配送の遅れを避けるためにも、あなたが出荷した全ての荷物、商品に、あなたの新しいMyUS.coのアドレスと部屋番号を記載しないといけません。どのお店で注文をされる場合にも、間違いのないMyUS.comのアドレスと部屋番号とともに、配送先住所を確認、更新をしてください。特に、上記に特定された小売業者に登録されている、あなたのアドレスを更新するようにメモをお願いします。送り先の住所に記入漏れ、間違いがある場合、住所が古い場合などの荷物はすべて、こちらに配送され、特別な取扱をさせていただいています。

yoggie English → Japanese
Original Text

You can try hard to be a great boss in order to impress those you work for. Or you can do it because you care for the people who work for you and you want them to be successful in their jobs.
The real answer is probably a combination of both reasons. But if you get your priorities set up right from the beginning, you can do both. By investing in your skills as a manager and by caring about the success of those who work for you, you can easily impress your bosses. When the people who work for you are successful, you are successful.
Although being a great boss is made to look effortless by some people, it is hard work that requires planning, execution, and a willingness to take risks.



yoggie English → Japanese
Original Text

Being a boss. Having to take responsibility for the work others perform under your guidance. If you are new to the job of being a boss, there's no time like the present to learn effective ways to do that job. If you have been a boss for years, you have everything to gain in putting forth new effort to become better at your job. There is no such thing as a perfect boss. No matter how good you may be, there is always room for improvement.
To be a great boss, you first need to be very honest with yourself about why this position of authority is so important to you. You then need to ask yourself why you should be the best at the job you can be.



yoggie English → Japanese
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A saying declares, "You don't get what you want; you get what you measure." If that is indeed true, you will find employees much more willing to expand their knowledge and skills if they know they will be evaluated on these items at the end of each year.
In one company a group of employees brought up the idea of development goals. With some effort they finally convinced their boss to allow them to have an annual plan for training and personal development. It became a part of their standards of performance, and they were not considered to have completed their jobs unless they met their development goals as well as their specific job functions. They began to feel valued and motivated.



yoggie English → Japanese
Original Text

Memorize it
A statement of purpose is the kind of document that you will ultimately memorize because you will refer to it so often. It should help you establish the things that are most fundamental in being a great boss.
A statement of purpose is really your chance to articulate your philosophy of management as it applies to your current job. Since it is philosophical, though, you will find that if you advance or change jobs, much of what you come up with will transfer because the statement of purpose bears more on who you are than on what you do.

Implement it
A good statement of purpose needs to be short and general. It should talk about your objectives as a manager, not your specific duties.




yoggie English → Japanese
Original Text

Small vs. large
If you work in a small company, you want to let employees know what they can look forward to, but things are small enough that everyone is aware of the potential in a job. You can talk about t4e next stages of the company. If the company grows, will those who work for you have opportunities to grow in responsibility? In a large company, people can grow up the corporate ladder; in a small company, people grow not necessarily in position, but in authority and responsibility.
Be sure that when you discuss career paths you talk in terms of what could be, what skills employees will need to learn, and what direction they are going, not in terms of promises for future positions.



yoggie English → Japanese
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The farther into a track you go, the more narrow and in-depth the courses become. It's the same with a job. A person at an entry-level position has a number of options available. A vice president of finance is fairly limited in the options available.
Some bosses are reluctant to discuss available options because they don't know how quickly they will be able to implement a promotion or job change. They are afraid of making promises that they can't keep-and rightfully so. But to discuss options is not to make promises. Nearly all employees will want to know what kind of future they have with a company if they work hard, grow, develop their skills, and hang in there.



yoggie English → Japanese
Original Text

A career path is a hot topic these days. So what is it? A career path is an explanation of how an employee can develop within an organization. Each position should equip an employee to develop skills that will open up other job opportunities. Most organizations, except some very small companies, have entry-level positions. When that job is mastered, an employee should know what other jobs will be available.

A career path is much like a track of courses in school. You start at a certain place, and by the choices you make, you move from a general course of studies to a more specific course. Early on in a track of courses you have some options of where you would like to go.




yoggie English → Japanese
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What is important is the trend in your thinking. Do you automatically dismiss some ideas because of the employees who had them? Or because of the cost? Are you uncomfortable changing the way things have always been done? If so, you likely squelch most good ideas that come your way. Eventually, the ideas will quit coming your way.

Never "good enough"
When ideas quit coming your way because there is a lack of motivation by employees, you are on the verge of being in deep trouble. Having no new ideas means that everything is "good enough," .and we have already discussed how deadly these words can be to the morale and growth of your employees.




yoggie English → Japanese
Original Text

One boss said that he encouraged employees to come forth with new or innovative ideas. But it seemed that each time an employee began to share an idea" he asked negative questions or had any number of reasons that the idea wouldn't work. It wasn't long before 'employees stopped sharing ideas. Things didn't change much because everyone figured the boss knew how he wanted things done, and despite his talk, he didn't really want to hear what employees had to say.

Not an automatic yes
There are good reasons not to try specific ideas. They may go beyond the budget you have available. They may interfere with other areas of the company, and you will have to win the approval of those areas before initiating a change.




yoggie English → Japanese
Original Text

That would violate the principle of honesty. Some people will be more inclined to move up, and others will not put forth the effort or show the growth needed to move up. You must be realistic and honest with each employee about the future.

Watch for change
This evaluation of a job and an employee's abilities should constantly evolve. Things change. Perhaps something will change for an employee, and he will begin to grow. Maybe she will overcome a hurdle in her personal life that will allow her to dream big dreams about her career. And the jobs that you need to have done will change, too. So whatever evaluation you make, recognize that it, too, will evolve. The need for ongoing dialogue is crucial.


