yoggie Translations

ID Unverified
Over 12 years ago
Japanese (Native) English
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
yoggie English → Japanese
Original Text

5 Very Cool Japanese Mobile Technology Companies from Mobile World Congress

Japanese are known for their quirky creativity and advanced technology. When I visited the Japan Pavilion at MWC, I had the chance to see what bizarre mobile product ideas are coming out of the Land of the Rising Sun. Here are my 5 favourite:

1. Arara Inc

Arara Inc is a creative company that has explored many business application opportunities with augmented reality. Note that users first have to download their Arappli, app from the Apple App Store or Android Marketplace. Here are some of the cool things they are doing:


Mobile World Congressに出展の5つのとても素敵な日本の携帯電話技術会社




yoggie English → Japanese
Original Text

Problem is tour heads are not designed to be sold to the public. Therefore Taylormade won't tell you anything about them. Nor with they provide me wih any certificate of authenticity.

eBay is full of fakes. I don't sell any fakes. Not only do I have great feedback on eBay but I have perfect feedback on golfwrx. In fact I am one of the leaders at pointing out fake heads. Generally people ask me questions if stuff is fake I can help them find out. If you ever buy anything from someone and are worried just ask I can tell you how To tell. I sell only real tour issue equipment and stand behind everything with a 100% money back guarantee.




yoggie English → Japanese ★★★★☆ 4.0
Original Text

I apologize mistake, I called Simms and I was informed that it was the chest/hip pack that came on the Tech Pack that is why we sent you the chest/hip pack. I also stated in the email that we would be sending you a chest/hip pack. I have just been informed that it was supposed to be the Simms Chest Pack that we were supposed to send you. We will go ahead and get the Chest Pack shipped out to you. Would you like to keep the additional chest/hip pack that you have just received and pay for it or would you be okay sending it back to us the most economical way and we will reimburse you for the return shipping as long as a receipt is included? Again, I am so sincerely sorry for all of the hassle with your order.


間違いをしてしまい、申し訳ありません。私は、Simmsに電話をし、Tech Packで送られてくるのが、そのチェスト/ヒップパックだと知らされておりましたため、そのチェスト/ヒップパックをあなたにお送りしたのです。また、メールでも、チェスト/ヒップパックをお送りすると伝えておりました。あなたにお送りするのは、Simms のチェストパックだと知らされていたのです。すでにあなた宛てに出荷したチェストパックを取り戻すよう、手配いたします。よろしければ、受け取られた方のチェストパックを引き取っていただき、その分お支払いただけますでしょうか?あるいは、一番安い方法で私どもに送り返していただけますか?領収書がある場合に限り、その返送分の送料は、返金させていただきます。今回のご注文に際して、ご面倒をおかけしましたこと、心よりお詫び申し上げます。

yoggie English → Japanese
Original Text

It is not the circumstances; it is you. Everything bad that happens to us can be blamed on the circumstances. If you want something good to happen to you, take something bad that happened to you, and blame yourself. Once you take responsibility for a problem, even if it wasn't your fault, things will start to go better for you. You will look at what you can learn from a problem, and you will feel more in control. No excuses, no matter what happens. Don't make excuses to anyone, especially yourself. Take full responsibility for what went wrong, whether it was your fault or not. This will lead people to respect you more, and your self-respect will increase as well.



yoggie English → Japanese
Original Text

others in need.

When Nawo first came to her hometown of Miyagi, she saw the faces of those affected by the disaster—dirty from the rubble, and defeated from the devastation. But after a splash of eye shadow and a touch of gloss in Nawo's chair, women held their shoulders straighter, felt more confident, and smiled 10 times brighter. "It was really heartwarming—if women become cheerful, then their families do, and the economy, and the world, and the universe!" she exclaims. From young ladies to elderly women in their 80's—an 82-year old woman cried from happiness!—her makeup artistry has helped a wide span of Japanese women cope with the crisis in a unique way. In this case, the makeup is the medium for the




yoggie English → Japanese
Original Text

Here is how you find the good things. Take your biggest problem and then start making a list of all the good things or opportunities this problem brings. Be outrageous, think outside the box, think positive, and keep pushing yourself to come up with more and more ways the bad thing could help you, no matter how silly they sound. Once you have a long list, study it, and you will be amazed to find that there are in fact some good things that came as a result of your problem. The next thing to do is make sure you take advantage of those good things you paid such a price to get.



yoggie English → Japanese
Original Text

If you are in a small business and doing many, many different things, such as sweeping the floors and doing errands, etc., chances are you aren't too thrilled about some of these things. And it is easy to get demoralized over this, since these types of jobs always seem to take more time than the stuff you had in mind when you opened the business.

I urge you to find some method of stepping back from the "grunt" work and reminding yourself of your ultimate goal in all of this. See yourself doing what your ultimate objective is. Once you do that, you will be able to go back to the things you have to do, secure in the knowledge that you are on your way to doing what you want to do.




yoggie English → Japanese
Original Text

Everything counts. When you are working on accomplishing something, you need to realize that everything you do or don't do counts. It is all using your time and energy, taking you towards or away from your goals.

Take yourself and what you do seriously. This doesn't mean you can't have fun and relax, it just means that you can't write sections of your life off. What would you be willing to do if your life depended on it? How your life works depends on what you do with it every minute. Your life depends on how you think, and how you think deter¬mines how you act, and how you act determines how your life works.




yoggie English → Japanese
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Remember to take care of your body. Your body has to be there for you to make it to the top. Take care of the basics like losing weight, stopping smoking, driving safely, etc. You know what has to be done; the key thing is doing it. It isn't easy, but it is part of the requirements of success.

If your body can't deliver the level of performance the rest of you is capable of, you are robbing yourself of your shot at success. The key isn't finding the perfect system to take care of your body; there are tons of proven systems to get in shape, lose weight, stop smoking, etc. The key is choosing one and sticking to it. They all work, if you work them. Pick a plan and get to work, now.




yoggie English → Japanese
Original Text

If you practice the way you play, there shouldn't be any difference. That is Michael Jordan's secret, and it can be yours as well. Practice as hard as or harder than you play in the game, and the game will seem easy. Also be sure to avoid one of the biggest, and most disastrous, mistakes many people make. That is to change your style once you start to play for real. People say to themselves, "Oh boy, the pressure is really on, so now I am going to change my grip," or something like that, and the results are usually disastrous. Make all your decisions on style, etc., before the pressure is on, and then concentrate on making it hap¬pen, once the real thing starts.



yoggie English → Japanese
Original Text

The convergence of opportunities

The Economist recently wrote about how our world is increasingly divided into three socio- cultural spheres of influence [1], the Anglosphere, the Indosphere and the Sinosphere. The article quotes a study by Pankaj Ghemawat, ‘Why the world isn’t flat,’ [2] that two countries which share a common language trade 42 percent more with each other than two otherwise identical countries that lack that bond and countries with former imperial ties trade an astounding 188 percent more often. The article ends with a reminder on the enduring ties of tribes and how this will continue to shape the cultural and economic future of our globalized world in this new ‘Asian century.’



最近のエコノミストの書物によると、世界は、3つの社会-影響の文化領域(1)、英語圏、インド文化圏と漢字文化圏に、いよいよ分割されてきている、という。Pankaj Ghemawatによる研究「なぜ世界はフラットではないのか」という研究から引用している記事では、共通語を持つ国同士の貿易は、そういった繋がりのないまったく違う国同士の貿易よりも42%も多い傾向があり、過去に帝国的なつながりがあった国同士では、驚くべきことに188%も多いという。この記事では、種族間の不朽のつながりに言及しており、これが、現在の新アジア世紀ともいうべきグローバル化された世界の文化、経済の未来をどのように形作っていくだろうか、と括っている。