ultrans (ultrans) Translations

ID Unverified
Over 11 years ago
Japanese English Chinese (Simplified) Chinese (Traditional)
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
ultrans English → Japanese ★★★★☆ 4.0
Original Text

But the difficulty may come from confusing material success and money with spiritual happiness. You may find you can have one or the other in this life, not both. You have subconscious memories of old cities. Cities with tall gates, Great cities with stone buildings and walls. Lifetimes in colder barer climates.

Recent lives are not always the more impressive sounding or for example someone being a scribe in ancient Egypt sounds a lot more glamorous than being an office junior in the forties, even though it is virtually the same thing. With recent life's we loose some of the polish that time gives to thing. But non the less they often have the greatest bearing on the present life and its problems.




ultrans Chinese (Traditional) → Japanese ★★☆☆☆ 2.4
Original Text

使用 Meetrip 要以 Facebook 帳號登入, 因為 Facebook 上的個人資料,能提升使用上的安全性。當地人可以在 Meetrip 上分享自己規劃的旅遊行程,例如一趟 3 小時的古城探險、一個享受道地美食的下午,又或者是私藏的賞夜景地點;而這些,通常都是旅人、外來客不知道的。

當旅人使用 Meetrip 時,他可以觀看、挑選由當地人規畫的旅遊行程,如果他對此感興趣,還可以進一步連繫到規畫行程的當地人,在兩人溝通、意見交流後,旅人有可能因此找出最適合自己的行程。


