Teruri Yamawaki (teruriyamawaki) Translations

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About 12 years ago
Japanese (Native) English Indonesian
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
teruriyamawaki English → Japanese
Original Text

Asia Is The World Leader In SMS Innovation: Here Are 8 Great Examples

There’s a lot of talk these days about where Asia stands with Silicon Valley, and I’ve certainly tackled this topic a lot, but maybe we need to shift the discussion into areas where the Valley is not touching. As Dave McClure mentioned to me last month, the phenomenon of large social media networks or platforms with millions of users that make no money is unique to the Valley. It’s unique to there in part because there’s enough risk-taking money to sustain cockamamy schemes of bright-eyed, daring young entrepreneurs.



シリコンバレーに対してのアジアの立ち位置はどこかという話題が盛り上がっており、それについては私も度々触れてきた。しかし、シリコンバレーが関係してない地域にてついて話をシフトしていく必要がある。Dave MaxXlureが先月こう言った。何百万というユーザーを持つ巨大なソーシャルメディアネットワークやプラットフォームが金を生み出さないことは、シリコンバレーのユニークな面である。野心を持った若い起業家がばかばかしい計画をしても、シリコンバレーには、リスクを冒しても良いくらい十分な金があることが最もユニークな点だろう。

teruriyamawaki English → Japanese
Original Text

・Hauraa – The Indonesian government approved the issuing of SIM cards that come prepackaged with useful Islamic-related content. The SIMs will come with video clips and guides for practicing Islam.

・SetechViet – This unique company out of Vietnam built a little device that has a SIM inside of it. The S-Bike is designed to be installed inside of a motorbike and can give all sorts of data to users. If you call it, it will tell you the GPS location; if you text it, it can ring or turn off the motorbike. It’s also useful in the event of bike theft.

・Smart Txtbks – This awesome Filipino startup is packaging entire textbooks and learning materials straight into a SIM so that the material can be read as SMS.



・SetechVietーベトナム発祥のユニークなこの企業は、SIMを装備した小さなデバイスを開発した。The S-Bikeはバイク内部に取り付けられるようになっており、ユーザにあらゆるデータを知らせる。声をかければ、GPSで現在位置を知らせてくれる。テキストを送れば、バイクを動かしたり止めたりできる。これは、バイクの盗難に遭った際にも役立つデバイスだ。

・Smart Txtbksーフィリピン発の、このイカしたスタートアップは、テキスト本や学習教材をまとめてSIMカードでパッケージにしたものだ。こうすることにより、教材をSMS上で読むことができるのである。

teruriyamawaki English → Japanese
Original Text

・SMSGyan – This awesome Indian startup literally built Google for SMS. In other words, users can text the service and it will send back search info related to the text’s query. It got over one million users in the first 100 days of use.

This is just a small sample of a few of the really innovative and interesting initiatives and companies that are building on top of SMS. There are tons of others and they’re pushing the boundaries of how you can use something as basic and prehistoric as SMS to deliver services that people want and need. Even countries like Myanmar, which are now opening up, are able to do things like implement M-Pesa where no other country in the region can.




teruriyamawaki English → Japanese
Original Text

At the latest Unicef hackathon in Ho Chi Minh city, many of the hackers quickly realized that if they wanted to build services that helped a greater part of the society, it made more sense to build something like a dashboard that could text to customers. In Thailand’s telco incubators they’re also hot on the trail of working on innovations that apply outside of just smartphone apps, leveraging on the telcos’ SMS services. In other words, we’re bound to see more of these unique innovations across the region. And because they come shipped along with the price tag of an SMS or a SIM, they must be practical from the get go.



teruriyamawaki English → Japanese
Original Text

Of subsequent events in Italy, the war in Etruria and the investment of Perusia, it may be that he had no cognizance when he arrived at Tyre in February of the year 40, but learned only after his departure, when sailing to Cyprus and to Athens. The War of Perusia was confused and mysterious, even to contemporaries. All parties had plenty to excuse or disguise after the event; and Antonius, if adequately informed, may still have preferred to wait upon events. At last he moved. The Parthian menace was upon him, but the Parthians could wait. Antonius gathered forces and sailed for Greece. At Athens he met Fulvia and Plancus. He heard the reproaches of the one and the excuses of the other.

