Tearz (tearz) Translations

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A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
tearz English → Japanese
Original Text

As promised for this month, my interview with Y's fellow shredder, Katou, will not only explore the details of the choice of his picks, but will also provide a cross section of his choice of guitars and gear, as well as his numerous projects he is involved in.

As stated last month, Y and Y founded "Master-B" in 1995 and released 4 full length albums from 2000 to 2006 and an EP in 2015 and both gentlemen hinted strongly at a "Master-B" comeback soon, which would be fantastic news
as this band is really outstanding and deserves worldwide exposure.

coming up to the present day, while also examining his gear and then his selection process he's taken to arrive at his choice of a favorite type of pick.



先月開始した通り、1995年 Y and Yは「Master-B」を創設し、2000年から2006年にかけてフルアルバムを4作品、2015年にはEPをリリースし、この二人のジェントルマンは「Master-B」がカムバックをすぐに果たした際、強力なヒントをもたらしたことは、このバンドが非常に際立っていることと世界中の目に触れる価値があるため、素晴らしいニュースとなっていたであろう。

coming up to the present day, while also examining his gear and then his selection process he's taken to arrive at his choice of a favorite type of pick.