ピエリッグ優子 (swisscat) Translations

5.0 2 reviews
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Almost 9 years ago Female 40s
Japanese (Native) German English
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
swisscat Japanese → English
Original Text



Its alias is "Chekypa".

swisscat English → Japanese ★★★★★ 5.0
Original Text

Thank you Akiko Thank you for the payments. Please know that I appreciate very much but I have one more week of work to do on her. I must wait for the glue inside the head to dry. You need not pay me the $300 until next week. I will ship her out to you next THURSDAY Sept 17 . I like to send you pictures as I make her...to make you happy and keep you informed, but she is not completely done. Everyone who sees the pictures likes her! I have many people asking for custom orders now....lol anyway...thank you again for the payments. No rush to send the last payment. You can send on Wednesday next week if you like. Becuase I ship her to you on Thursday September 17.


あきこさん、ありがとうございました。それから支払いのほうも。私がすごくあなたに感謝していることを知っておいて下さいね しかしもう一週間彼女の事での仕事があるんです。 ヘッドの中ののりが乾くのを待たなきゃいけません。来週まで300ドル私に支払う必要はありません。来週の17日の木曜にそれを発送します。あなたを喜ばせる為にと、色々知らせて送るためにも作っている間の写真も送りたいと思っています。でもまだ完成していないんですけどね。その写真を見た誰もが、彼女を気に入ってくれてるんです!カスタムオーダーするお客さんが今私のところにたくさんいるんです、、、(笑) とにかく本当に支払いあの件ありがとうございます。最後の支払いは焦らなくていいですからね。

swisscat German → Japanese
Original Text

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swisscat English → Japanese ★★★☆☆ 3.0
Original Text

Thank you so much for the concern. I really appreciate it. You are a true friend.
I am Communicating with my father's kidnappers and we are arranging the exchange of my father with the money the kidnappers are asking.
We have a tentative schedule for the exchange on Sept 18. We have to go to Jolo, Sulo where the Abu Sayaff is keeping my father.
Please schedule your trip here let's say Sept 21 onwards.
I will give the payment when you get here. Will that be alright with you?

I discovered that the 1% serum is good for acne and for ages 39 years below. And the 20% is for 40 years old and above. If the result is too slow people would say the product is nt good. People now want instant results as much as possible


今のところの交換の日程は9月18日。父を捕まえているAbu SayaffがいるJoloに Suloに行かなきゃいけないの。
