summerld_516 Translations

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Over 10 years ago
Chinese (Simplified) (Native) Japanese English Chinese (Traditional)
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
summerld_516 English → Japanese ★★☆☆☆ 2.0
Original Text

Shenzhen Incubated Wearable Device Startup Vigo Helps You Stay Alert and Fight Drowsiness

Vigo is a wearable device in the form of a Bluetooth headset that uses infrared to look at your eyes in order to determine signs of drowsiness, and nudges you when you are dozing off. It does so in one of three ways: a flashing light, a pulsing vibration in the ear, or a sound/alarm or pump-up song. It also shows your alertness levels throughout the day to help you understand your drowsiness patterns better and help you manage your routine. The device also gives recommendations on how to improve, like when to take a coffee break or when you’re most productive.



summerld_516 English → Japanese ★★★★☆ 4.0
Original Text

This Google Glass App is a product of a startupweekend hack’a'thon. As part of the project the team wrote the backend in Node.js and started their own company. Their plans are to opensource code shortly and they look forward to community involvement!
“J” sends you a polite reminder that sunset is creeping up on you right in the corner of your eye. Prayer reminders like never before, locating a nearby synagogue :and finding kosher restaurants
“G” allows you to create a bundle of cards to send to your Glass – these cards contain the slide notes, titles and slide numbers in your powerpoint presentations.
The history, architecture, insider tips and hidden gems from over 100 local publisher partners come to life.

