Shimauma (shimauma) Translations

ID Verified
About 9 years ago Female
Japanese (Native) German English
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
shimauma English → Japanese
Original Text

After reviewing your eBay account, we've taken the following actions:
- Selling privileges have been temporarily restricted. You won't be able to list new items or revise current listings for 7 days.
- Violating listings have been removed. A list of items that were removed can be viewed at the bottom of this message.
- We have credited all associated fees except for the final value fee for your listing(s). 
Your listing or product was removed after the rights owner reported it as counterfeit. We urge you to contact the rights owner directly for more information about why they requested the removal of your listing or product and whether you can sell the item.



shimauma English → Japanese
Original Text

*1st order: 30 units

※ Wholesale price
*$19.98/unit for HuMnWallet2 or MINI
*$32.50/unit for any Carbon Fiber models

※ Payment method (do you accept PayPal, or overseas fund transfer?)
*We accept Bank Wire & Paypal

※ How many pieces are there in stock? (made-to-order production? Is there enough stock of stock?)
*We have plenty of regular stock when choosing from models/colors from our website
*We can do made to order UV print designs if needed (MOQ 100 units)

※ Are there any changes in specifications?
*HuMnWallet2 model is slightly smaller than the c specs, since it's a new version
*MINI model is the exact same
*Specs can be found here:


※ 最小発注数量
*初回注文: 30 ユニット

※ 卸価格
*HuMnWallet2 または MINI  $19.98/ユニット
*カーボンファイバー全モデル  $32.50/ユニット

※ 支払方法 (ペイパルでの支払いが可能ですか?または海外送金は?)

※ 在庫数を教えてください(受注生産ですか? 在庫は十分にありますか?)
*必要であれば、UVプリントデザインの受注生産に対応できます (最小発注数量は 100 ユニットです)

※ 仕様の変更はありますか?
*HuMnWallet2 モデルは、新しいバージョンのため、仕様Cよりわずかに小さくなっています。
*MINI モデルは同じです。

shimauma English → Japanese
Original Text

Thanks for reaching out. We actually have several products that do very well in Japan from customers ordering off our websites and paying expensive shipping and duties so if you have nice sales on a Japanese website I think you could sell many! One of the other product lines I am referring to is called G! with these products:

We've been selling these to many Japanese customers and have been approached by about a dozen Japanese companies looking to purchase these for crowdfunding in Japan but we are more interested in immediate sales rather than just a Japanese crowdfunding campaign.. Can you provide details as to where you sell products?


