Shimauma (shimauma) Translations

ID Verified
About 9 years ago Female
Japanese (Native) German English
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
shimauma English → Japanese ★★★★★ 5.0
Original Text

Thank you so much for the concern. I really appreciate it. You are a true friend.
I am Communicating with my father's kidnappers and we are arranging the exchange of my father with the money the kidnappers are asking.
We have a tentative schedule for the exchange on Sept 18. We have to go to Jolo, Sulo where the Abu Sayaff is keeping my father.
Please schedule your trip here let's say Sept 21 onwards.
I will give the payment when you get here. Will that be alright with you?

I discovered that the 1% serum is good for acne and for ages 39 years below. And the 20% is for 40 years old and above. If the result is too slow people would say the product is nt good. People now want instant results as much as possible




shimauma English → Japanese ★★★★★ 5.0
Original Text

I would just like to inform you that I am ordering the product for TESTING,
I have also ordered 4 other different Artisan mousepads for comparison
(but from different resellers,
sadly not everyone has all the models),
and will very likely return at least 2 of them back (on my expense),
should I not be satisfied with them (through Amazon).
This is unfortunately the problem with the Artisan products;
they are unique and expensive and without good testing it's really hard to find out what suits you the best.
I already had to return the Hien model because it was too smal (medium size)
and the surface material was irritating my skin (probably have a slight alergy to it).

