Sakura (setsuko-atarashi) Translations

4.7 8 reviews
ID Verified
Over 9 years ago Female 40s
Japanese (Native) English
20 hours / week
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
setsuko-atarashi English → Japanese ★★★★★ 5.0
Original Text

I was able to contact Fed Ex and they have informed me that they are looking to set-up a dock appointment so the items can be delivered. The order is currently at their local terminal in Oregon, you may need your freight forwarder to contact FedEx in order to set up an appointment for delivery.

That pricing would be applicable on orders under $3,000. We are unable to do free shipping on small orders as they are too expensive to process, we can offer free shipping on orders over $1,500 and the 25% discount on orders over $3,000. Smaller orders would be subject to regular wholesale pricing.

This is the download link it includes Wondlan new products' photo and marketing material.


Fed Ex に連絡出来ました。商品が発送出来るようにドック予約をしますとの連絡が有りました。注文商品は今オレゴンのローカルターミナルに有りますので発送の予約を始める為にFed Exに連絡を取る為の運送取り扱い人が必要になるかもしれません。



setsuko-atarashi Japanese → English
Original Text







Nabeshima Porcelain is a high quality porcelain made in the kiln under the direct management of the domain of Nabeshima in 1700~1900. Though Arita • Imari are known as representative porcelain producing districts in Japan, high quality of the products have been made at the kiln of direct management of the domain which was in Okawa Chiyama and it it called Nabeshima Pordelain.

Satsuma Porcelain was started from 1598.

Depending on how the finishes come out, they interpret snow mountain and wave sceneries.

He is a ceramic artist taking in original patterns and carvings, searching for Satsuma Porcelain with excellent handleability.

The work is painted in azure on the white porcelain, and Mr.O praises that as " the best work that shines brilliantly in white among the Japanese porcelains of 1750~1830".

setsuko-atarashi English → Japanese ★★★★☆ 4.0
Original Text

If you believe this was in error and would like your listing reinstated, email and let us know. When you respond, include the following:
For Authenticity complaints:

you can remove pricing information, but make sure the rest of the document is visible. You can send us a pdf, jpg, png, or gif file.

For all other complaints:

A plan of action that contains the following:

What is the issue that caused the complaint.
Steps you have taken to resolve the issue and ensure similar complaints won't happen again.
Any additional details you would like us to know.

What happens next
We'll review the information you send and get back to you with an answer within 1 business day


もし貴社がこれはエラーで貴社のリスト復元、email seller-performance,を望むのであれば、弊社にご連絡ください。お返事をいただきます時、次のこともよろしくお願い致します:

価格情報は除去出来ますが、その他の書類はこちらに有ると言うことを念のために言っておきます。pdf, jpg,png,又はgif のファイルを弊社に送って下さい。





setsuko-atarashi English → Japanese ★★★☆☆ 3.0
Original Text

Dear ladies and gentlemen,

unfortunately even after several attempts (also using different browsers) I am not able to authorize the payment for order

using PayPal.

Clicking on the link
> 【Payment URL】


(as given in attached Payment Notification) I am being redirectd to my paypal account.

After confirming the payment, I am redirected to your


again without the payment actually being processed.

I talked to PayPal customer support and they told me that they can see me confirming the payment and that this information is passed to you / your Payment URL(?), but actually PayPal gets no response from you, so that the payment is not executed.

Please advice on how to proceed.

Kind regards




PayPal を使って





弊社はPayPalカスタマイズサポートとお話をしました。彼等は支払いを弊社が確認していることを知ってしこの情報は貴社/貴社の支払いURL(?)に渡されました、しかしPayPal は 現に貴社からの返答を受け取っていません、それで、支払いは遂行されていません。



setsuko-atarashi English → Japanese ★★☆☆☆ 2.0
Original Text

Quality Materials

Our products are made with durable, fine-aging canvas. The material itself is sturdy but lightweight for effortless travel and durability. Waterproof, stain resistant, and machine washable, our canvas bags epitomize easy maintenance. In sourcing our fabrics, we have chosen to work with cotton mills that have been fine-tuning their craft for nearly a century. We are also proud to use fabrics that are free from harmful treatments, chemicals, and dyes. Whether you are a student, a parent, or a young professional, our high quality bags will reliably get you through your day no matter where you need to go (or what you need to carry).




setsuko-atarashi English → Japanese ★★★★☆ 4.0
Original Text

★After a second thought, I changed my mind and decide to keep the camera. It is a small issue after all. Besides, I have bought another XPAN II and decided to compare these two. I may sell one later but want to see which one is better first.

Sorry for all the troubles.

★I have tried the camera in the past week and found that the yellow focusing mark is a bit off vertically. That is, it does not coincident completely even when the focus is right on.

I understand that this does not affect usage very much but I am buying this for collection and would love it to be perfect. As a result, I want to have it returned to you for a full refund.

Can you please advise your return address? Thanks!


★何度も考えて、考を変えカメラを頂くことに決めました。結局一寸したことです。その上、もう一台XPZN ll を買いこれらの2台を比較することにしました。多分1台は後に売りますがまずどちらが良いか見てからです。




返却のアドレスを教えて頂けますか? 有り難う御座います。