Notice of Conyac Termination

satsumaimo Translations

ID Unverified
Over 12 years ago
Japanese (Native) English German
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
satsumaimo German → Japanese
Original Text

A. Description of the issues that caused the complaints. Please provide a detailed explanation of what this violation is based on, and why this caused you to receive a notice from the rights owner. We would like to see you demonstrate your understanding of this issue.
B. Explanation of the steps you have taken to resolve the issues and ensure that similar complaints won’t happen again.
C. Any additional details you would like us to know.

To find more information on how to submit your plan of action, search “Appeal the Removal of Selling Privileges” in Seller Central Help.

What happens next

We’ll review the information you send and get back to you as soon as possible.


A. 告訴が発生した原因の記述。この違反が何に基づいているか、また、何故このせいであなたが権利所持者からの通告を受けることになったのかについて、詳細な説明をお願いします。あなたがこの問題をどう理解しているかについてあなたの説明をわれわれはお聞きしたいのです。

B. この問題を解決し、および類似の告訴が決して再発しないようにするために、あなたが取った手段の説明。

C. その他にあなたがわれわれに知らせたい詳細事項。




satsumaimo English → Japanese
Original Text

Isopod™ has a unique pole configuration that has been wind tunnel and computer-optimized to withstand extreme winds, resisting breakage by allowing pole flex. Isopod™ fabrics are custom designed with additional UV and abrasion resistance. The removable inner canopy is composed largely of APRI™, a metallic fabric that increases interior warmth. A large Dyneema-reinforced snow skirt around the perimeter of Isopod™ can be used to seal out weather. Over 40 guy-out points and 10 primary ground anchors lock Isopod™ to the ground. Internally deployable vents and mesh pockets, including specialized radio pockets, ensure livability. Includes high strength DAC poles, duffle style carry bag, snow stakes, and repair kit.



satsumaimo English → Japanese
Original Text

Beyond Barrel Roll: 10 Hidden Google Tricks

Oh, those whimsical Google nerds. The Mountain View-based search giant may not have Apple’s design chops, but it certainly knows how to code a good joke.
We got a taste of that fact on Thursday with the highly popular “Do a Barrel Roll” search trick, which went viral on Twitter and brightened a million work days. But that’s only the latest in a long line of quirky features Google has embedded in its products. We’re not talking about useful stuff like the in-search calculator, or Google’s much-documented April Fool’s jokes. These are all fun built-in tricks you can amuse yourself with right now.


Barrel Rollのほかにも――Google十の隠しコマンド

その事実を木曜日にわれわれは思い知らされたのだ。かの有名な"Do a Barrel Roll"で検索すると出てくるコマンドは、Twitterで大流行し、あちこちで職場の気晴らしになった。しかしGoogleさんが自作品に仕込んできた奇特な仕掛けのずらりと並んだリストの、一番最近のものにすぎないのである。といっても、検索エンジンに仕込んである電卓などの便利な機能とか、もっと公式にネタばらしされているエイプリルフールのジョークのようなことの話ではない。今から話すのは単なる遊びでくっつけられたコマンドで、今すぐ試してみて楽しめるものばかりだ。

satsumaimo English → Japanese
Original Text

However I know more and more Chinese are using LinkedIn, commonly they are the more international type who studied abroad or work for a big international company. The point is, this group of people (English speaking/international Chinese) is not the majority. Presumably, LinkedIn would localize to Chinese when they do enter China seriously. Even if LinkedIn has the best technology and product, it doesn’t guarantee its success. In China, professional relationships are driven by much more offline activity, so LinkedIn’s product advantage may not help that much.

2. LinkedIn is a market follower not a leader in China



satsumaimo English → Japanese
Original Text

The ironic reality of China is that since Chinese is still the main language and there are higher barriers to jump over, an American internet or mobile company can be big everywhere else but not in China. The time it takes for an foreign company to localize and figure out their market entry strategy into a new foreign region is the time local companies use to do it for them, that is, clone, localize, ‘innovate’ and launch. Already there are at least 5 major Chinese professional social networks, Tianji, Wealink, Ushi, Hengzhi and Jingwei. Tianji leads with over 6 million users and as of 2011, LinkedIn only had 1.1 million but that’s a good effort for not even really trying.



satsumaimo English → Japanese
Original Text

The surprising thing is that this app wasn’t even developed by a native American. It was developed by Claudette Roche, an English born accent coach who now lives in Los Angeles. Roche says her unique talent for accents was amplified by her constant surrounding of different accents including English (Cockney, London, Manchester etc), Irish, Jamaican, Indian, Scottish, Italian, French (France, Morocco, Québec), Greek, Russian, Chinese, Polish, Canadian, New Yorkese, Lebanese. Roche is also an award winning actress and a veteran of stage and screen. She has appeared in TV shows such as The Game, Cold Case and Without a Trace.


驚くべきことにこのアプリはそもそもネイティブのアメリカ人の開発したものではないのだ。開発者はClaudette Roche、生まれはイギリスで今はロサンゼルスに住むアクセント・コーチである。Rocheは自分の持って生まれたアクセントに対する感性が、常日頃からいろんな訛りの混ざった環境にいたことでより研ぎ澄まされていったのだという。イギリス系(コックニー、ロンドン、マンチェスター)、アイルランド系、ジャマイカ系、インド系、スコットランド系、イタリア系、フランス系(本土、モロッコ、ケベック州)、ギリシャ系、ロシア系、中国系、ポーランド系、カナダ系、ニューヨーク系、レバノン系などなどだ。Rocheはまた受賞歴もあるほどの女優でもあり、舞台や映像作品の場数を踏んだベテランである。"The Game"や”Cold Case and Without a Trace”などといったテレビシリーズにも出演している。

satsumaimo English → Japanese
Original Text

I played around with the app a bit and it seems more like an instructional video than an interactive app. She (Roche) first explains a word like “or”, and tells you how you would probably say it then tells you how an American would say it. Then you practice by repeating how she said it.

The first release is aimed at native Chinese speakers to learn the American accent but, there are other languages in the pipeline too, namely Japanese, Korean, Indian, Spanish and Russian.

So if you have a real need to learn to speak like an American; or just want to be better understood by your American friends, try it out.





satsumaimo English → Japanese
Original Text

Perfect for any objects, such as portraits, costumes, furnishings, etc.
Best color temperature to prevent from color aberration.
Powerful total 810 watts lighting to provide a sufficient exposal and brilliant image.
Soften lighting with soft box for reducing overexposure and hot spots.
2x continual lighting with 18 bulbs for bathing object in dimensional lighting.
Easy to control your lights with a set of ON/OFF switch buttons.
Set up in minutes to offer you a professional photo studio.
Please kindly note that it is for 110 voltage.
CE approved for your safety.
Average life 8,000 hours.
Each lamp has 9 powerful bulbs.
Save electricity! 45 watts spiral daylight lamp equals to 200 watts regular bulb.


節電にご協力を! 45ワットの昼光用スパイラルランプは通常の電球の200ワット分に相当します。

satsumaimo English → Japanese
Original Text

Color temperature is 5500k, most perfect color temperature for photo taking.
Total 18x 45 watts fluorescent daylight bulbs equal to 3,600 watts light output.
Save $1600 energy cost for 8,000-hour usage, comparing to 3,600 watts continuous flood.
CE Approved.
5x On/Off buttons for 9x bulbs control.
Four buttons to control every two bulbs and One button to control the middle bulb.
Built-in control handle to prevent from touching hot light body.
Indicator light for power on.
Built-in 5A fuse.
Free Gift: 2x spare 5A Fuses for your safely use
High-quality nylon construction.
Two 24" x 32" large soft boxes.

