Saki (saki) Translations

ID Unverified
Over 12 years ago
Tel Aviv, Israel
Japanese (Native) English Chinese (Simplified)
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
saki English → Japanese
Original Text

just need to change the username same step as above: “apt_dist_02”, password: “apt_dist_02” and Login------till district 28

(3) For example; If you are interested in “office””District 01”: please log in by username: “office_dist_01”, password: “office_dist_01” and Login, than you will be able to see the map & Photos picture after you clicked on “print”. Same procedure for District 02, 03….., just need to change the username same step as above: “office_dist_02”, password: “office_dist_02” and Login------till district 28

(4) FAQS in Japanese: please log in by username: “faqs”, password: “faqs”

Please let me know if you have any further queries.
Once again, many thanks & have a nice day ahead!


上記の手順に従い、ただユーザーネームを変えるだけです。ユーザーネーム「apt_dist_02」、パスワード「apt_dist_02」でログインします。ーーーdistrict 28まで同様の手順です。

(3)例:「office」の「District 01」に興味がおありなら、ユーザーネーム「office_dist_01」、パスワード「office_dist_01」でログインして下さい。「print」をクリックすれば、地図と写真をみることができます。District 02, 03以降も同様の手順で進めて下さい。上記の手順に従い、ただユーザーネームを「office_dist_02」、パスワードを「office_dist_02」と変えるだけでログインできます。ーーーdistrict 28まで同様の手順です。



saki English → Japanese
Original Text

(1) For example; if you are interested in “condominium” “District 01” : please log in by username: “condo_dist_01”, password: “condo_dist_01”, and Login, than you will be able to see the Map & Photos picture after you clicked on “print”. Same procedure for District 02, 03….., just need to change the username same step as above: “condo_dist_02”, password: “condo_dist_02” and Login----- till district 28

(2) For example; If you are interested in “Service Apartment””District 01”: please log in by username: “apt_dist_01”, password: “apt_dist_01” and Login, than you will be able to see the map & Photos picture after you clicked on “print”. Same procedure for District 02, 03…..,


(1)例:「condominium」の「 District 01」に興味がおありでしたら、ユーザーネーム「condo_dist_01」、パスワード「condo_dist_01」でログインして下さい。「print」をクリックすれば、地図と写真をみることができます。District 02、03以降も同様の手順で、district 02ならユーザーネーム「condo_dist_02」パスワード「condo_dist_02」という具合に、district 28まで上記の手順でログインできます。

(2)例:「Service Apartment」の「District 01」に興味がおありでしたら、ユーザーネーム「apt_dist_01」、パスワード「apt_dist_01」でログインして下さい。「print」をクリックすれば、地図と写真をみることができます。District 02、03以降も同様の手順です。

saki English → Japanese ★★★★☆ 4.0
Original Text

Dismissing an idea is so easy because it doesn’t involve any work. You can scoff at it. You can ignore it. You can puff some smoke at it. That’s easy. The hard thing to do is protect it, think about it, let it marinate, explore it, riff on it, and try it. The right idea could start out life as the wrong idea.

So next time you hear something, or someone, talk about an idea, pitch an idea, or suggest an idea, give it five minutes. Think about it a little bit before pushing back, before saying it’s too hard or it’s too much work. Those things may be true, but there may be another truth in there too: It may be worth it.




saki English → Japanese
Original Text

The browser and I got off to an inauspicious start. During the installation process, I was asked if I wanted it to automatically create a desktop shortcut for me. I did not, and told it so, but somehow after installation a Hao123 shortcut appeared on my desktop. Not cool. I actually did this twice — I uninstalled the browser and then had to reinstall it when I realized I hadn’t taken screenshots yet — and there’s definitely no way to opt out. Still, it’s better than having superfluous software (or spyware) installed, which plenty of Chinese programs do. An annoying desktop shortcut is easily taken care of; viruses not so much.

After deleting the Hao123 shortcut, I fired up the actual browser.




saki English → Japanese
Original Text

There’s also a screenshot button that allows you to take a shot of the whole page, or select a section. Unfortunately, it doesn’t actually save the image for you, just copies it to your clipboard, so you still need to open up another application to edit anything or save the screenshot. This is pretty disappointing; as a frequent user of Chrome’s “Awesome Screenshot” extension, I would have loved to see a native implementation with that sort of functionality (or even more; say, the ability to save as different filetypes), but as it is, Baidu Browser’s screenshot feature offers only a very narrow advantage over the “Print Screen” button on your keyboard.



saki English → Japanese
Original Text

Of course, one of the most touted updates is the new browser’s security, which I am not even remotely qualified to test. That said, if it’s really safer, it would be worth the upgrade for that reason alone.

Of course, this isn’t the end of the road for Baidu’s browser. On the Baidu Beat, official spokesman Kaiser Kuo writes:

" Down the road, look for versions of the Baidu Browser that will offer even more improvements in user experience. We’ll follow user feedback closely, and continue to do our utmost to fulfill our mission of providing the best and most equitable way for people to find what they’re looking for online."



もちろん、これで百度ブラウザにとっての道のりが終わった訳ではない。百度Beatで、広報担当Kaiser Kuoはこう記している:


saki English → Japanese
Original Text

So we’ll be keeping an eye out for the next version. That said, I’ve already deleted it from my PC at home (although annoyingly, it didn’t uninstall cleanly and now there are empty “Baidu” folders all over my C drive) and gone back to Chrome. The Baidu Browser will be a huge step up for Chinese users coming from Internet Explorer — especially those coming from older versions like IE 6 — and it’s well-tailored to their needs. It still doesn’t quite compare with Chrome (or probably Firefox, though I haven’t used that in a while), but for its target audience, that probably won’t matter at all. If you want to take it for a whirl, you can grab the new version here (assuming you’re running Windows).


というわけで、次回のバージョンに注目しよう。とは言いつつ、私はもう自宅のPCの百度ブラウザは削除し、Chromeに戻っている。(なんとも煩わしいことに、きれいにアンインストールされず、今は空の「百度」フォルダがCドライブの至る所に残っているが。)百度ブラウザはInternet Explorer(特に、IE 6といった旧バージョン)を使っていた中国のユーザーにとっては大きな躍進であろうし、ニーズにもよく応えられている。それでもなお、百度のターゲットとするユーザーにとっては全く関係ないだろうが、それ以外のユーザーにとっては、Chromeや、おそらくFirefox(長いこと私は使っていないが)の方が比べ物にならないほどいいだろう。もし、ちょっと試してみたいということなら、ここから新バージョンが入手できる。(Windows利用を前提としているが。)

saki English → Japanese
Original Text

Chinese Academy of Social Sciences: ‘Real Name’ Weibo Isn’t A Viable Solution

The real name requirements for Weibo in China is about to get realer. On March 16, 2012, all Twitter-like service providers in China need personal ID data from all users (old and new). Even though you may still post under your alias, they’d know who, say, “TomCat1234″ would be, as they have your ID data on file.

In a recent Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (CASS) Annual Report on China’s Rule of Law, as reported by, the real ID requirement has been singled out as something that could “bring new uncertainty in building the rule of law on the Internet.”



