raywing Translations

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Over 12 years ago
English Chinese (Simplified) (Native) Chinese (Traditional) Japanese
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
raywing Japanese → English
Original Text



Infra-red Remote Control Tank (2-pieces set)

- When you turn the switch on, you can hear a realistic engine noise, and 4 Life Beacons would light up.
- Forward movement, reverse movement, lateral rotation, Cannon Tower rotation (300 degrees), Cannon shot (with recoil after firing), vertical shifting of the cannon (manual), and continuous firing of Machine Gun while the Cannon Tower rotates.
The sound effects of Cannon shot and Machine Gun shots etc are realistic too.
- After turning the switch ON, if you do not operate it with the remote control, it will automatically go into a Demostration Mode to perform light and clever movements.
- Demostration Mode will be ended when you start to operate on the remote control, and go into Remote Control Mode.