スミス マーク Mark Smith (ozsamurai_69) Translations

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Almost 12 years ago Male
Japanese English (Native) Thai
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
ozsamurai_69 Japanese → English
Original Text



Reconstruction of Japan immediately after the end of the war, was promoted in a way that reflects the intention of the Allied occupational forces. Military industries were prohibited, state-owned financial institutions and national policy companies were also closed. Dismantling of conglomerates was also performed, cartels were also legally prohibited by antitrust laws. Rapid inflation, had been a major problem, along with the reconstruction of the manufacturing system. The adoption a gradation in the production system helped to manage a curb in inflation, these problems will be greatly improved by 1948. However, a new austere economic policy introduced by Joseph Dodge was sent from the United States,again exacerbating the economy as it was beginning to recover.