ozeyuta Translations

ID Unverified
Over 13 years ago
Spanish Japanese (Native) English
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
ozeyuta English → Japanese
Original Text

We received a package for you from Oakstone which was incorrectly addressed. In order to avoid delays, your new MyUS.com address and suite number must be shown on all packages and merchandise that you have shipped here. When you place orders with any merchants, please verify and update your shipping address with your complete MyUS.com address and suite number. Please specifically make a note to update your address with the particular retailer noted above. Each package that arrives to our facility with an incomplete, inaccurate or old address requires special handling. This special handling is required to verify the correct recipient, delays your package and results in a $5 per package address correction charge.


オークストンからお客様宛てに配送先誤記載の荷物を受け取りました。遅延を防ぐため、ここに届くように指定されたすべての荷物・商品にはMyUS.com に登録されたお客様の新しい住所・ビル内部屋番号が記載されなければばりません。業者にご注文の際には必ず、MyUS.com に登録された完全なお客様の新しい住所・ビル内部屋番号を業者あてに更新・確認されるようお願いいたします。特に上に示した個々の小売業者に対してはお客様の住所を更新してください。わたしたちの元に届く、不完全・誤記載・現在使われていない住所の書かれた荷物には特別処置が必要となります。この特別処置には正しい受取人確認が必要となり、お客様の荷物の遅延を招き、5ドルの住所修正料金がかかります。

ozeyuta English → Japanese
Original Text

According to our records, you currently have packages held here for 45 days (see list below). Please have your merchandise shipped as soon as possible to avoid any storage fees being charged.

If you do not request a shipment by 15/Jun/2011 your account will be charged storage fees for all boxes held 45 days or more.

The following 1 package(s) are currently in your account more than 45 days:

MyUS.com Terms and Conditions
MyUS.com will allow active Premium and +Mail customers to store their merchandise for up to 45 days at no charge. After 45 days, customer agrees to pay storage fees of $5 per box plus $1 per pound per month. Storage is not available for Standard accounts





MyUS.comはPremium 、+Mail をご利用されているお客様に45日目までの無料荷物保管サービスを提供しております。45日を超えた場合、1ヶ月あたり1箱につき5ドル、重量1ポンドにつき1ドルの保管料金をお支払いいただきます。Standard 契約のお客様には保管サービスは適用されません。

ozeyuta English → Japanese
Original Text

Please be aware that a $5 fee was applied because we received a package for you with an incomplete address.
This special handling is to protect the customers and their packages and to ensure they are logged into the correct suite.
Thank you for understanding. The hold has been removed from your package and you may submit a ship request at any time from your Inbox.
And please feel free to contact your merchants and inform them to always use your correct and complete address to avoid any problems or delays.
The package arrived from Unknown with tracking number VI081959430US and contains a Model Collectible Car. Please feel free to confirm this directly from your Inbox.



ozeyuta English → Japanese
Original Text

When you place an order, please verify your shipping address has your Suite number in your U.S. address. We realize that sometimes the merchants will fail to include your suite, and apologize for any inconvenience. Below is how your address should look:

Each package that arrives to our facility with an incomplete or inaccurate address requires special handling in order to verify the correct recipient. This process delays your package and also results in a $5 address correction charge. Please notify all merchants of your complete address, so you can avoid login delays and address correction charges when your package arrives at our facility.


ご注文の際、米国内の住所であればSuite number(ビル内の部屋番号)が配送先住所に記載されているかどうかご確認ください。この確認は配送元がSuite numberを入れ忘れることがあるためで、ご不便をおかけしましたらお詫び申し上げます。以下が配送先住所についての注意事項です。


ozeyuta English → Japanese ★★★★☆ 4.0
Original Text

I've been busy re-stocking the ebay shop, in the last days. So excuse not responding to your mail faster. Your order's are the biggest orders i've had, so i thank you very much for this, its been a big job getting more things listed.Really happy that you like my shop and taste in things, and the music, I was in Japan when i was 16, in the ▲▲, i remember back so many years ago how humble and friendly the Japanese people are. Its great also to be aquatinted with you,maybe one day you come to ●● or i go to Japan again.If you are interested in buying a lot of things, it could be worth your while to come for a trip here.


ebay 店舗の在庫補充でここ数日は忙しかったのです。あなたのメールに返信できず本当に申し訳ありません。あなたの注文はいままで受けてきたなかで最も大きなものです。本当ににありがとうございます。大きな仕事でしたのでリストの商品数が増えています。あなたが私の店、商品の趣向、音楽を気に入られたということで、ほんとにうれしいです。私は16歳のときに日本の▲▲にいたんですよ。もう何年も前のことになりますが、日本の人々がなんと謙虚でやさしかったかを思い出します。あなたと実際に会えたらそれもまたいいですね。いつかあなたが●●に、そしてわたしはまた日本へ行ったりして。もし商品をたくさん購入されたいときがあったら、こちらに旅行に来る価値があるんじゃないでしょうか。

ozeyuta English → Japanese
Original Text

You are not alone in this. We parents have forgotten our way sometimes, too. I say this as the deeply committed, often flawed mother of three. When you were first born, each of you, our great glory was in thinking you absolutely distinct from every baby who had ever been born before. You were a miracle of singularity, and we knew it in every fiber of our being.

But we are only human, and being a parent is a very difficult job, more difficult than any other, because it requires the shaping of other people, which is an act of extraordinary hubris.




ozeyuta English → Japanese
Original Text

Lladró Atelier is a new creative department within Lladró, set up under the creative guidance of designer Jaime Hayón. It’s a laboratory of ideas which welcomes projects proposed by the company’s in-house designers as well as by external designers. Lladró Atelier wholeheartedly endorses the idea of luxury, hand-crafted goods, values the one-off – and fosters the tradition of craftsmanship using porcelain and creation of original, artistically contemporary work. Another well-known, well-received piece dreamt up by the now-renowned Lladró Atelier is its equally carefully crafted Parrots Party collection of 2010.


リアドロ・アトリエはリアドロ内の新しいクリエイティブ部門で、ハイメ・アジョンのクリエイティブ主導のもと設立された。同部門は社外のデザイナーはもとより社内のインハウスデザイナーの企画も積極的に取り入れるアイデア・ラボである。リアドロ・アトリエは贅沢品・手工芸品・一品物の価値というコンセプトをとても熱心に打ち出し、陶器を素材とした職人技の伝統と独創的で現代的な作品創作を促進する。いまや名声を得たリアドロ・アトリエが発案したもうひとつの有名であり、高い支持を受けた作品は、 Metrópolis 同様に入念に作り上げられた2010年のParrots Party コレクションである。