oier9 (oier9) Translations

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Over 11 years ago
Japanese (Native) English
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A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
oier9 English → Japanese ★★★★★ 5.0
Original Text

Royal mail demands a £34 customs charge to be paid – this is unacceptable, and I demand a partial (£34) or a full refund on the item with return.

As I've mentioned before, the Royal Mail requires customs charge to be paid, in order to deliver the item. I demand a refund covering the customs cost – £34. Otherwise, the item won't be collected from the Royal Mail, and thus sent back to Japan. This would be counted as a failure to deliver the package, hence eligible for a full refund.
The paper is attached.






oier9 English → Japanese
Original Text

first of all, thank you for your payment. As you can see from the attached detail, a commission of JPY 3500 was deducted from us. Please make sure in future that this is not happening again. As this is almost USD 0.70 per pcs. on a small order.

To answer your question:
We maintain the site - we are the manufacturer and distributor, it's our brand (and of First Holiding, our partner company).
So you already have the lowest price.

We are going to send a message to all the companies in Japan to increase the price to Yen 11,980 - the companies that are not complying (doing this) we will not supply anymore. I think 11,980 should be a good price to keep the margin healthy.



私たちはサイトを支持します――我々はメーカーであり販売代理店です。それは私たち(とパートナー企業であるFirst Holiding)のブランドです。


oier9 English → Japanese
Original Text

Which member of Caesar's family inherited the remnant of his private fortune mattered little for the power rested with the leaders of the Caesarian party.Further, alarmed by the intrigues current during his absence in Campania,he now made up his mind that Brutus and Cassius should leave Italy. Antonius had returned to Rome with an escort of veterans, much to the disquiet of the Liberators, who wrote to him in vain protestation. The meeting of the Senate on June 1st was sparsely attended.But Antonius chose to get his command from the People.The tenure of the consular provinces,Syria and Macedonia, which had been assigned to Dolabella and Antonius some two months earlier,was now prolonged until the end of 39 B.C.


Caesarの遺産を相続した彼の家族のどのメンバーも、Caesarian党の指導者のもつ権力とはほとんど関係を持たなかった。さらに当時、彼の不在によるCampaniaでの権謀術数を恐れ、彼はBrutusとCassiusがイタリアを去るべきだと決めこんだ。Antoniusはベテラン兵の護衛のもとローマに戻り、彼に手紙で空論を主張する解放者たちの不安に応じた。 6月1日、元老院会議の出席者はまばらだった。しかし、Antoniusは、元老から彼の指揮権を取得することを選んだ。約2ヶ月前にDolabellaとAntoniusに割り当てられていたSyria、Macedoniaでの執政官としての任期はBC 39年末まで延長された。