oier9 (oier9) Translations

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Over 11 years ago
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A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
oier9 English → Japanese
Original Text

There are tons of literature and excellent books on that topic, such as Eric Ries’ Lean Startup or The Art of the Start by Guy Kawasaki. All offers valuable advices on starting and managing a startup from idea to the first million dollars revenue.

However, finding your start-up idea does not happen at night reading books, whatever practical advices they give you.

One of the single most important phrases I’ve read that has helped us find our product idea comes from start up guru Paul Graham. As he famously put it in his essay How to get start up ideas, founders need to “Live in the future and build what seems interesting”.


例えばEric Riesの「Lean Startup」やGuy Kawasakiによる「The Art of the Start」など、こうしたトピックに関する優れた書籍はたくさんあります。こうした書籍は皆、アイデアを100万ドルの収入にするスタートアップの起業・運営に関する貴重なアドバイスを提供しています。


製品のアイデアを見つけるのに役立っている、かつて目にした最重要なフレーズの一つに、導師Paul Graham氏のものがあります。彼のエッセイ「How to Get Startup Ideas」の中に巧みに書かれていますが、創設者は「未来に生き、面白そうなものを構築する」必要があります。

oier9 English → Japanese
Original Text

Apple's Part Orders Have Arrived Earlier

According to a new Chinese report this morning, Apple's noisy supply chain is at it again. The new report claims that supply chain manufacturers have begun to receive component parts for the new iPhone, supposedly named the 5S. The supply chain sources claim that it usually takes two months for the production process to reach the assembly stage for Electronic Manufacturing Services (EMS) which would translate to assembling the next iPhone beginning in early July.

While Hon Hai denies all rumors, the supply chain sources conveniently added that Hon Hai's Apple-related production lines now boast the highest rate of automation among all of the group's production lines.



Hon Haiはすべての噂を否定しながらも、サプライチェーンの情報源は、現在、Hon Haiのアップル関連の生産ラインがグループ内の全生産ラインの中で最高のオートメーション速度を誇ると都合よく付け加えた。

oier9 English → Japanese
Original Text

dear mr suzuki
the correct pc of 160007 is ready do you need the sample .
but for 160003 the clips will be used as attached in the pic this is not my production i purchase these clips from the market.we will same this clip in both the sizes pls confirm enable me to start.
looking forward to hear from you soon.
with kindest regards


Thank you for your email. First, sorry, This May has some big holidays 30/4 and 1/5/2013.Our worker is not working, so your sample we have not completed

I will do your sample on 11/5/2013. Sorry about that






oier9 English → Japanese
Original Text

"Demeter Tube Bass Preamp" transplanted into "Acoustic 360 head"
One of One - Custom made
It combines the look of the world renown vintage Acoustic preamp head, as used extensively by John Paul Jones with Led Zepplin, Jaco Pastorius and many many other bass legends, with what is considered by many to be the absolute BEST tube bass preamp ever made - "The Demeter VTBP-201"! This was transplanted correctly, by a professional amp tech (at a very expensive charge) - the look is retro vintage - the tone - bass tube cool! Of course, "the Demeter Tube" Direct output is on the rear!
The ultimate pre? That's your call ... I shouldn't let this go, but I have to thin the herd!


「Demeter Tube Bass Preamp」を「Acoustic 360のヘッド」に移植
One of One - カスタムメイド
世界的に有名なヴィンテージアコースティックプリアンプヘッドの外観を兼ね備えています。レッドツェッペリンのジョン•ポール•ジョーンズやジャコ•パストリアス、その他多くの伝説的ベーシストに広く愛用されているように、これまで作られた中で完璧に最高なチューブベースプリアンプであると多くの人に考えられているのが、「Demeter VTBP-201」です! (非常に高額なギャラの)プロのアンプ技術者によって、きちんと移植されています。見た目はレトロなヴィンテージ。トーン、低音管もクール! もちろん、「Demeter Tube 」のダイレクト出力は背面にあります!
究極のプリアンプ? それはあなたの気持ち次第です。これは手放すべきじゃないですが、間引く必要があります!

oier9 English → Japanese
Original Text

The actual KakaoPage marketplace was launched just two days ago with over 500 individual and corporate publishers who provide about 8,000 pieces of digital content. KakaoPage is only available on Android for now with the iOS version in progress. To clear the air, Sonia explained to me what KakaoPage is all about:

KakaoPage is an open market where any individual can upload and sell their own content. An aspiring author can write a novel and sell it directly on KakaoPage without having to seek out a publishing company. Likewise, big publishing companies or record labels can also distribute their content through KakaoPage.


実際、マーケットプレイスであるKakaoPageは、約8,000デジタルコンテンツ作品を提供する500以上の個人と企業の出版社をともない、たった2日前に発表された。 KakaoPageは現在Android上でのみ使用可能で、iOSバージョンは作成中とのことだ。わだかまりを払拭しようと、Sonia氏はKakaoPageがいったい何なのかを説明してくれた。


oier9 English → Japanese
Original Text

For now, some of the more prominent publishers include Jong-shin Yoon, a popular singer-songwriter in Korea, Young-man Heo, a renowned manhwa (Korean cartoons, similar to Japanese manga) artist, Hong Cha, a well known hair stylist, and Yi-hyeon Chung, a popular novelist.

While most of the digital content is text-based, KakaoPage also has music and images to offer. For example, 2AM, a popular boy band in Korea, is offering their ‘One Summer Day’ album through KakaoPage, bundled with their photos and commentaries for KRW 5000 (US$4.40). For all content sold, the revenue is shared between Google Play (30 percent), Kakao (20 percent), and the publisher (50 percent).


今のところ目立つ所では、韓国で人気のシンガーソングライターであるJong-shin Yoon氏、高名なマンファ(日本の漫画に似た韓国のマンガ)家のYoung-man Heo氏、有名なヘアスタイリストのHong Cha、人気小説家のYi-hyeon Chungといったパブリッシャーがいます。

デジタルコンテンツのほとんどはテキストベースですが、KakaoPageでは音楽や映像を提供することも可能です。例えば、韓国で人気の少年バンドである2AMは、KakaoPageを通じてアルバム「One Summer Day」(写真・解説付き)を5000ウォン(米国の4.40ドル)で提供しています。販売されるすべてのコンテンツについて、収益はGoogle Play(30%)、Kakao(20%)、パブリッシャー(50%)という風に配分されます。

oier9 English → Japanese
Original Text

In Vietnam, VietnamWorks is generally synonymous with finding a job. It’s far and away the top site and lists thousands of job listings, and gets an average of 200 new job listings per day. En-Japan, one of Japan’s top online recruitment firms, has also expanded across Asia outside of Japan including South Korea, Singapore, Hong Kong, China, and Australia. This latest acquisition will be its first foray into mainland Southeast Asia. The specifics of the deal have not yet been confirmed and I doubt they will be, but it will send shockwaves through the startup community for sure. Local Vietnamese news site Cafebiz.vn has speculated earlier this year that the deal would be around $22 million.

