nobeldrsd Translations

4.8 4 reviews
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About 13 years ago
Japanese (Native) English
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
nobeldrsd English → Japanese
Original Text

The product manager of GDT for WeChat told me that it works differently from the GDT system on other platforms. As what can be shown in the mobile pages by Subscription Accounts is limited — only text and image allowed — the ads cannot be more than simple display ads.

It’s unknown when or what a percentage of the advertising revenues Tencent will share with third-party publishers. But publishers that heard about the news today feel encouraging. There are other players, such as Sohu and Sina, are also building mobile platforms for third-party publishers and promised to share income with them. But today no one thinks anyone could be so powerful as WeChat.


WeChat 向けのGDTシステムは、他のプラットフォーム向けとは仕組みが違っていると、GDTのプロダクトマネージャーが話してくれた。申込みアカウントから表示できるモバイルページの内容は、文字や画像しか使えず限定されているため、広告は、シンプルなディスプレー広告以外はあり得ないそうだ。


nobeldrsd English → Japanese
Original Text

“So we got doctors to help out by giving namecards to patients. We eventually accumulated a database of 3,000 patients,” says co-founder and CEO Abhinav Krishna, a serial entrepreneur and engineer who has built trading systems for investment banks.

The founders, after talking to patients, realized that they are comfortable with sharing their medical details online, and are even willing to pay for a web and mobile fitness tracking app, which they eventually developed along with their enterprise product.

However, they decided to pare down on the number of products they’re working on, even though they’ve been testing their fitness app for eight months. Krishna says:


「つまり、患者に名刺を渡し協力してくれる医師達が現れたのです。最終的には患者3000人分のデータベースを集めることができました。」と共同設立者でCEOのAbhinav Krishna氏は語った。同氏は、シリアル事業家で投資銀行向けの取引システムを作成したエンジニアでもある。



nobeldrsd English → Japanese
Original Text

Our focus is more defined now. We started with several half-finished products and we were trying to launch with too many features. Ever since the launch, our product evolved and it keeps evolving with the feedback we get from our clients.
OurHealthMate’s other founder is CTO Akash Kumar, a computer engineering professor. Both Krishna and Kumar, originally from India, met at elite Singapore institution Raffles Junior College over a decade ago.

JFDI will be holding three runs of its accelerator program this year. It’s now open to applications.

Check out the company’s video pitch at JFDI’s demo day:


OurHealthMateの共同設立者には、他にCTO(最高技術責任者) でコンピューターエンジニアリングの教授ののAkash Kumar氏が在籍している。Krishna氏とKumar氏は元々インド出身で、10年以上前にシンガポールのエリート校として有名なRaffles Junior Collegeで知り合っている。



nobeldrsd English → Japanese
Original Text

Zepp, a Sports Tracking Wearable Maker, Raises $15 Million of Series B Funding

Zepp, a manufacturer of sports tracking wearables, secured $15 million of Series B financing from GGV Capital, Legend Capital, Bertelsmann and Cherubic Ventures. The company previously booked $5 million of Series A financing from Legend Capital.

The company’s flagship product is a 6.3g square wearable sensor powered by 3D motion technologies. According to data released by the company, the sensor contains a powerful ARM processor and multiple sensors, with a battery life of eight hours and enough memory to store information for 200,000 swings at 1,000 data points per second.



Zeppは、運動のデータ収集が可能なウェアラブル製品のメーカーで、GGV Capital、Legend Capital、BertelsmannやCherubic VenturesからシリーズBラウンドで1500万米ドルの資金を調達した。同社は、既に500万米ドルの資金をシリーズAラウンドでLegend Capitalから調達している。


nobeldrsd English → Japanese
Original Text

You can now use the small extra button to take photos, open apps, play games, or any of the other 50 programmable shortcuts. Admittedly, this isn’t a novel idea. It bears a striking resemblance to Pressy, a Kickstarter project from last October. Kuai Anniu raised RMB 208,579 ($34,462) on Demohour by January 18.

Linkcube: sex toys for long distance couples

This pair of male and female pleasure devices are designed for couples who want a little more than strip teases on Skype. Wirelessly connect the “Venus” model to the lady’s phone and the “Mars” to the gentleman’s, and they can remotely stimulate each other through the cloud.


追加した小さなボタンを使って、写真を撮ったり、アプリを開いたり、ゲームをしたり、または、50個ある他のプログラム化できる50のショートカットの内のどれを利用しても構わない。確かに、斬新なアイディアではない。昨年の10月、Kickstarterに発表したPressyのプロジェクトに非常に似ている。Kuai Anniuは、1月18日までにDemohourで208,579元(34,462米ドル)獲得している。



nobeldrsd English → Japanese
Original Text

WeChat 5.2 Supports Nine Categories of Mobile Payments

As expected, WeChat released an update today, one day after its third birthday. The same as the last update, the Android was out first and now only available on MyApp, Tencent’s Android app distribution platform (You have to download the MyApp app first in order to download the latest WeChat).

It now supports making payments for Didi (the taxi app venture backed by Tencent), Licaitong (the mutual fund, released several days ago, similar t to Alipay’s Yuebao), purchases on Tencent’s online retailer Yixun, QQ Coins (the virtual currency used in Tencent ecosystem), movie tickets, lottery tickets, making donations, phone bills and splitting bills.


WeChat 5.2は、9種類のモバイル決済に対応している

サービスを開始して3年目の翌日の今日、WeChatは予想通りアップデートを行った。前回のアップデート同様、Android向けが最初にリリースされ、現時点ではTencent のAndroid向けアプリ配信プラットフォーム、MyAppでしか利用できない。(WeChatの最新版をダウンロードするには、先ずはMyAppをダウンロードする必要がある。)

現在、Didi(Tencentが支援しているタクシー用アプリ開発のベンチャー)、Licaitong (数日前にリリースされたAlipayのYuebaoのような、ミューチュアル・ファンド)、QQ Coins(Tencentのエコシステム用のバーチャル通貨)、映画のチケット、宝くじ券、寄付金、電話代や割り勘払い等の支払いに利用することができる。

nobeldrsd English → Japanese
Original Text

I see my estimated arrival date as today, but my package has not even been shipped. I paid for express shipping, can you tell me when this will be shipped?

When I placed my order, you were selling many, many items. Now, you seem to have nothing for sale. Why? What is the reason for removing your merchandise from B?

I ordered express shipping, so how do I know when you shipped it? Will I get an email saying it shipped?

Hello id like to know when my order will be shipped ? Amazon says it was supposed to be yesterday or today ... Still no mail confirmation about the shipping.
Thx for your time

I accidentally placed two orders because my internet had some issues. Sorry for the inconvenience







nobeldrsd English → Japanese
Original Text

Senior citizen app Tapestry acquires California-based ConnectAround

The Australian startup app has acquired California-based social network for active living retirement communities at an undisclosed amount

Australian startup application Tapestry, which is targeted at senior citizens, has acquired California-based ConnectAround, a social network designed for active living retirement communities. The deal has taken place at an undisclosed amount.

Post the acquisition, ConnectAround Co-Founder Marcie Rogo, will assume the role of Head of Operations for Tapestry in the US.





ConnectAroundの共同設立者のMarcie Rogo氏は、買収後にアメリカでTapestryのオペレーションの責任者に就任する予定だ。