nobeldrsd Translations

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About 13 years ago
Japanese (Native) English
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
nobeldrsd English → Japanese
Original Text

Besides the ability to pick a curated set of wallpapers, users can pick images that others upload onto Kino. The app also lets users remotely “zap” wallpapers onto their friends’ phones without notice. Of course, they would need prior permission first from the friend in order to do so.

“It’s a fun thing, but also helps a brand’s ads go viral,” he says, adding that users can opt to block such changes if they desire. So far, the company has seen about 10,000 zaps in the past month.

Currently, the startup is seeking partners that can help it expand overseas and get its app in front of more users.





nobeldrsd English → Japanese
Original Text

Creating an app like this has several technical challenges related to network bandwidth and computing resources. To make animated wallpapers feasible, the service converts moving images into its own format. The app also takes up only three percent of total resources on the phone, much less than the OS itself.

Started in August 2011, the app has so far gotten funding from one angel investor. If it is able to grow its user base further and secure more revenue, it may reach an enviable position of not needing follow-on funding to survive. Nonetheless, it is open to investments if it makes strategic sense.




nobeldrsd English → Japanese
Original Text

TuTu will travel to US; Roam & Wander raises fresh round

Taiwan-based toy startup Roam & Wander announced that it will be heading into the US retail market with app-enabled plush toy TuTu

One year ago, Taiwan-based app-enabled toy startup and Echelon alumnus Roam & Wander announced receiving an undisclosed amount of investment from venture firms, WI Harper and TMI. Today, it is reported to have raised another round of funding, led by WI Harper, and joined by new angel investors from Hong Kong and Taiwan.

While the current funding amount is also undisclosed, founder Jason Warren told TechCrunch that it brought the total amount raised to “just under US$1 million”.


TuTuが米国に進出;Roam & Wanderは新たに資金を調達

台湾ベースのトイスタートアップRoam & Wanderは、米国の小売マーケットに進出し、アプリ対応のぬいぐるみTu Tuの展開を発表した。

一年前、台湾ベースのアプリ対応のトイスタートアップでEchelon出身のRoam & Wanderは、WI HarperとTMIのベンチャー企業から資金を調達したことを発表したが額は公表されなかった。本日、WI Harpe主導のもと、香港と台湾から新たなエンジェル投資家が加わり、新たに資金を調達したことが発表された。

今回の調達額も未公表だったが、創設者のJason Warren氏はTechCrunchの取材に対し調達資金の総額は、「もう少しで100万米ドルに達するところです。」と応えている。

nobeldrsd English → Japanese
Original Text

Roam & Wander will be utilising the new funds for its upcoming expansion into the US retail market. Its toys like TuTu, first made available on crowdfunding site Kickstarter, are now for purchase on Amazon, and in traditional toy shops in Asia like Toys R Us.

Warren told e27, “Tutu is on the site now, and we’re working to use Amazon’s FBA service and payments to enable in-app purchase of the toy from our iPad games. I haven’t tried to meet any other retailers yet, (and) will start to do so after Chinese New Year when I’ll be commuting between San Francisco and Taipei every two to three weeks.”


Roam & Wanderは、新たな資金を米国の小売マーケット進出に向けた事業展開に利用する予定だ。玩具の様な同社のTuTuを最初に購入できたのは、クラウドファンディングサイトのKickstarterだったが、今ではAmazonやアジアではToys R Usの様な従来の玩具店で購入できるようになった。

Warren氏は、e27に対して次のように述べている。「現在TutuはAmazon.comのサイトに掲載されており、我々のiPad ゲームからアプリ課金によってトイが購入できるようAmazonのFBAサービスや支払いが利用できるように取組んでいます。まだ、他の小売業者とは会ってませんが、旧正月後にはサンフランシスコと台北を2,3週間毎に行き来しますので、その頃には会い始めようと思います。」

nobeldrsd English → Japanese
Original Text

I notice that GEAK’s smart wi-fi router looks a lot like the Securifi Almond, which hit the headlines at the start of this year after a hugely successful Kickstarter campaign to raise money to build it. This is the Almond:

However, a photo posted by a GEAK executive to Weibo today shows that the GEAK Router looks a bit different once you see the entire body and it’s stood on its kickstand:

Upon launch, the GEAK Router will get mobile apps and a web app so that it can be configured in that way as well as via the touchscreen. As someone who’s battling a recalcitrant old router that turns the wi-fi on and off at will, I quite fancy this new GEAK model.


GEAKのスマートwi-fiルータは、Kickstarterのキャンペーンで開発のための資金調達に大成功し、今年の初めに世間で話題になったSecurifi Almondに、少し似ている気がする。こちらがAlmondだ: 

しかし、本日GEAKの幹部がWeiboに掲載したGEAK Routerの画像でボディー全体や、スタンドを立てた状態の画像を見ればあまり似てない事がすぐに分かる。

GEAK Routerがローンチされる頃には、タッチスクリーン経由だけではなく、モバイルやウェブ経由からも設定ができるよう、モバイルアプリとウェブアプリが用意される。wi-fiが切れたり繋がったりする厄介な古いルータと格闘している人にとっては、この新しいGEAKのモデルは、かなり魅力的だ。

nobeldrsd English → Japanese
Original Text

Jayawant shared with e27 that relevance is the key strength of Eureka. “We capture user interests in the app itself. These are not mandatory fields but opt-in ones. We inform users – the more data they can provide about themselves, the better our targeting will get. In future, we will use subscriber behaviour analytics to serve relevant ads.”

The app is currently available on Android only, but will soon be extended to iOS and Symbian too. To attract consumers, the mobile advertising app has a gratification plan that rewards users with free talk time or discounts once in 30 days.


