mylovin113 Translations

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Over 11 years ago Female 30s
Japanese (Native) English Portuguese (Brazil) Portuguese (Portugal)
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
mylovin113 English → Japanese
Original Text

Pet psychics can use energy to contact animals,... matter how far away the animals are...
...or whether they are still living or not.

The Hunt.
Paparazzi are one of the most feared by-products of pop culture, wouldn't you agree?
They tirelessly hunt celebrities, public figures and their families for the opportunity to photograph them in candid moments.
At the most basic level, paparazzi hang out on the streets and in public places...
...waiting for an opportunity to photograph a star.
But if you were a member of the paparazzi who wants to make a lot of money,...
...would you wait for hours just to get a picture?
This method is far too inefficient.





mylovin113 English → Japanese
Original Text

Paparazzi must make sure they are in the right place at the right time to get the shot.
Paparazzi work a lot like private detectives.
Each paparazzo has a network of informers to track celebrity targets.
These informers can be people who work in businesses frequented by celebrities,...
...such as restaurants, shops or salons.
The paparazzi often pay for this information.
In many cases, people who work for the star might be bribed to reveal the whereabouts of their employer.

How often and for how long do you spend your time online?
I found among other kinds of addiction, Internet addiction is the hardest to quit.
Many people perhaps agree with me.




mylovin113 English → Japanese
Original Text

Tell you what, almost two-thirds of the people I personally know,...
...that's including both men and women, have had plastic surgery.
I'm telling you, two-thirds!
They are not even like models or anything like that...
...they're just ordinary people with normal jobs.
I was actually shocked.
Now, would you have plastic surgery if you had like a free coupon for surgery?
What would you want to fix?
What do you think of undergoing such surgery?
If I had to pick one surgery for myself, I would choose a nose job.
Well, lots of images come to my mind when I think of plastic surgery.
Recent polls say about 58% of teenagers want to have plastic surgery in Korea.



mylovin113 English → Japanese
Original Text

And Albert lost. Big time.

He not only lost the argument, but he lost his cool.

Albert's composure was annihilated as he stormed out of the conference room in a huff-an angry, contemptuous huff-that left a wake of ruffled emotions and unresolved conflict.

So now here he was. Mindlessly surfing through cyberspace, contemplating his situation, and wondering why some people were so hard to get along with.

Albert longed for a return to the days when he was in college. Albert had graduated cum laude.from the University of Northeastern Michigan (UNM) with a bachelor of science degree in computer engineering. He graduated in three years instead of the usual four or five like most students these days.


6-1 そしてアルバートは敗けた。たいへんな時間。





mylovin113 English → Japanese
Original Text

To say the presentation didn't go well would be a considerable understatement.

As soon as he started to explain how his idea was superior to the one the group conceived, the team members began to withdraw. Some folded their arms. Faces turned serious; some were even grim. The overall reaction was decidedly negative.

When team members started questioning the reasons for some of Albert's suggestions, Albert became defensive and pushed even harder to convince the group that his way was a better way. He raised his voice, impatient to get his point across, but the louder he spoke, the louder the dissenting team members protested. The meeting quickly became a classic power struggle.



