mura (mura) Translations

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Over 13 years ago
English Japanese
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
mura English → Japanese ★★☆☆☆ 2.0
Original Text

The church eases out newcomers who join but do not enter into its spiritual life.Again, this is not a matter of numbers.
At first glance, it appears that the second church grows more slowly. But it retains a far larger pro-portion of newcomers than the first one does. Its growth, in other words, is more solid.
This is also not a theological problem, or only secondarily so. It is a problem about values. In a pub-lic debate, one pastor argued, "Unless you first come to church, you will never find the gate to the Kingdom of Heaven." "No," answered the other. "Until you first look for the gate to the Kingdom of Heaven, you don't belong in church." Organizations, like people, have values.





mura English → Japanese
Original Text

But in any conflict between short-term results and long-term growth, each company will determine Its own priority.
This is not primarily a disagreement about economics. It is fundamentally a value conflict regarding the function of a business and the responsibility of management.
Value conflicts are not limited to business organizations. One of the fastest growing pastoral churches in the United States measures success by the number of new parishioners. Its leadership believes that what matters is how many newcomers join the congregation.The Good Lord will then minister to their spiritual needs or at least to the needs of a sufficient percentage.





mura Japanese → English
Original Text

本年で5回目となるI-フェスタが11月13日日曜日に錦帯橋鵜飼い広場にて10:00より開かれます。市民活動団体や企業による木工体験や岩国地域の特産販売の販売、体験ブース。岩国のうま~い物がいっぱいのうまI ブース。岩国から活躍するパフォーマーやダンス、岩国のヒーロー、ハクジャオーもくるよ。今年は、東北特産品を販売する、たすけI東北物産ブースを設け、少しでも岩国の力を届けたいと思います。最後には毎年恒例の豪華賞品が当たる大抽選会があります。みなさんのご来場お待ちしております。


The fifth I-FESTA will be held at Ukai (cormorant fishing) Ground of Kintaibashi-bridge from 10:00 on November 13 (Sunday). We have:
Wood work trial booth, booth for Iwakuni speciality goods shops and sales experience, and so on run by citizens’ activity groups and companies.
Uma—I (pronounce “umaaai”: “I” being used because of I-FESTA, and “umaaai” means very tasty.) booth where many delicious and tasty foods of Iwakuni are served.
Famous performers and dancers of native Iwakuni people will come. Iwakuni’s hero HAKUJAOH ob course join!
This year we have a special booth, Tasuke-I booth, to sell specialty goods of Tohoku district. Tasuke-I (tasukeai) means I help you and you help me, so all people help with each other. We hope Iwakuni can be of some help if small to Tohoku.
Lastly we have the usual big lottery event. Many deluxe goods will be prepared.
We hope all of you come to I-FESTA.

mura English → Japanese
Original Text

When Google launched Instant, the main goal of this feature was to guess your query before you finish typing it and to instantly display the results. This works well if your typing a popular query, but what happens when Google can't autocomplete your query and you're a slow typist? You'll usually see the results for partial queries that include the words you haven't finished typing.

Now Google no longer includes the word you're currently typing if it's not very likely that it's a complete word. If you type [android qualcomm qua], Google will only show the results for [android qualcomm]. When your query becomes [android qualcomm quad], Google no longer ignores the third word. Here's another example:


Google が Google Instant を発売した際の、その機能の主な目的はユーザーが検索語を入力し終わる前にその文句を予測検索して結果をすぐさま表示することだった。もし検索語が一般的なものならこれはよく機能する。しかしGoogleがユーザーの打とうとする文字を自動的に把握できず、そしてユーザーのタイプスピードが遅い場合にはどうなる?ユーザーがタイプし終えていない単語を部分的に含んだいいかげんな検索結果が頻繁に出てくることになる。

ユーザーが入力しているものがとうてい完全な単語とは思えない場合にはGoogleはそういう検索語を用意することはできない。もし[android qualcomm qua]という文字列を入力しようとした場合にはGoogle は単に[android qualcomm] と出してくるはずだ。検索語が[android qualcomm quad]としてもGoogleは第三番目の単語を無視しない(―――このところ話が矛盾でわかりませんーーー)。ここに別の例がある: