mura (mura) Translations

ID Verified
About 13 years ago
English Japanese
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
mura English → Japanese ★★★☆☆ 3.2
Original Text

The most inexpensive way to enjoy our classes this summer is to buy an 8 or 10 Class Pass. After doing that you just need to let us know, by ::CONTACT FORM::, email, or phone (050-5534-3984) which days you are planning to attend (at least 12 hours in advance). The first time you show up to class, we'll give you a stamp card. Buy the Class Passes through form below (click "Read More" if you're viewing this from the home page), and we'll be in touch with payment details shortly.

We're running 4 classes with 30 sessions total between July 7 and September 5, so you'll have plenty of dates to choose from!


Thank you for signing up for a class pass! Someone will email you shortly to arrange payment.


もっとも安くで私たちのクラスをこの夏楽しむ方法は8単位あるいは10単位のクラスパス(チケット)を買うことです。その後、連絡書類、eメールあるいは電話(050-5534-3984)でどの日に出席するかを(少なくとも12時間前に)当方に知らせるだけでいいのです。あなたがにクラスに出てきた最初のときに当方はあなたにスタンプカードを渡します。クラスパスを下の書類で購入してください。(もしあなたがこのホームページを読んでいるのなら”Read Moreもっと読む”をクリックてください)。そうすれば支払い方法の詳細をお教えすることができます。

