monagypsy Translations

ID Unverified
About 14 years ago
English Japanese (Native)
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
monagypsy English → Japanese
Original Text

Stalbow, a former Fox Entertainment executive, joined the company to expand Angry Birds from a game to a multimedia franchise. That included deals like the one Rovio secured with 20th Century Fox, the producer of animated film Rio. Rovio released a “Rio” version of its game alongside the movie to piggyback on the buzz surrounding the movie.

“People in Hollywood are really surprised with the quick acceleration in the way consumers engage with entertainment on their mobile phones,” he said. ”There will be some interesting entertainment partnerships that will hopefully take what we had from [Angry Birds Rio] to a totally different level.”


元Fox EntertaimentのエグゼクティブであったStalbowは、Angry Birdsをゲームからマルチメディアフランチャイズへと拡大する為に会社に加わった。それは、Rovioが20th Century Fox、アニメ映画Rioのプロデューサーを繋ぎ止めておくような取引が含まれる。Rovioは映画に関する噂に便乗する為に、映画と並んでゲームの「Rio」バージョンを発表した。

「ハリウッドの人々は、消費差が彼らのモバイルフォンでのエンターテイメントに掛かる素早い加速度に本当に驚いた。」と彼は述べた。「私達が[Angry Birds Rio]から全く別のレベルに引き上げると思われる、いくつかの興味深いエンターテイメントパートナーシップがある。」

monagypsy English → Japanese
Original Text

The report lists the following as the top cyber crimes in India:

Computer viruses or spyware (60 percent)
Online scams (20 percent)
Phishing (19 percent)

While there are many kinds of online attacks happening around Asia, we at Penn Olson try covering some of the more noticeable ones. Our readers might remember the Chinese stalker who spied on girls through a webcam hack, and then blackmailed them with their nude photos. There was also the malicious Adobe Flash file that caused Gmail spear-phishing in China. It not hard to understand why there is a rising concern about cyber crime in India, and indeed across the whole continent.




アジア各国で多くの種類のオンライン攻撃が起こっていると同時に、私達はPenn Olsonにてより顕著ないくつかのカバーを試みている。私達の読者は、ウェブキャムのハッキングを通して少女たちをこっそり調べ、彼らの裸の写真を使い恐喝していた中国人のストーカーを思い出すかもしれない。また、中国においてGメールのスピア型攻撃を起こした悪意のあるAdobe Flashファイルもある。なぜインド、そして実際全ての大陸にわたり、サイバー犯罪について考慮が持ち上がっているのか理解するのは難しくない。

monagypsy English → Japanese
Original Text

Cyber security is just like physical security. In the real world, people understand that not everyone is good, and do their best to obey laws. Similarly in the online world, we’ll have to generate more awareness about cyber security, steer clear of shady websites. We also need better personal habits like not opening email from strangers which might be spam, or not accepting friend requests for the sake of simply increasing our social presence. Apart from that, a better policing and judicial system that better understands cyber crimes is sorely needed in most countries. Perhaps then we can increase our quality of online living.



monagypsy English → Japanese
Original Text

"[PEV] is an excellent addition to DeNA’s first party game development team with its proven track record of developing cross-platform social games. We believe the acquisition will significantly accelerate DeNA‘s game development and deliver high-quality social games for the Mobage platform."

We don’t know too much about Punch Entertainment Vietnam, but a selection of games that it has developed is listed here. It seems one of its titles, Ego, took the Most Innovative game award way back in 2008 thanks to its social networking-based approach to mobile gaming. That certainly sounds like a natural fit.



私達はPunch Entertainment Vietnamについて多くを知らないが、開発されたゲームのセレクションのリストがここにある。そのゲームのタイトルの一つに見えるEgoは、そのソーシャルネットワークベースのモバイルゲームへのアプローチのため、2008年に最も革新的なゲーム賞をとった。それは全くナチュラルフィットのように聞こえる。

monagypsy English → Japanese
Original Text

Qiito Bags $1.6 Million To Build An Online Travel Planner in Asia

Qiito (pronounced as Key-Tow), which stands for Quick, Interesting, Interactive Travel Organizer is a Singapore-based start-up that claims to be the first Asia-based interactive online travel planner.

We would challenge that, however – having covered Trippiece from Japan, which raised $50,000 last May to work on their idea. But Qitto has way more money in its bank.

Chuang Pei-Han of Qitto told Penn-Olson that the travel organizer start-up has raised more than SGD$2 million (US$1.6 million) from an anonymous Japan-based venture capital firm in a series A funding in July of this year.





旅行事業主スタートアップは、今年の7月での資金提供において日本を拠点とする匿名のベンチャーキャピタル会社からSGD$200万(US$160万)以上を調達した、とQiitoのChuang Pei-HanはPenn-Olsonに話した。

monagypsy English → Japanese
Original Text

Besides their bank balance, another difference between Trippiece and Qiito is the language used on their sites – Trippiece serves the Japanese market, while Qiito is in English and serves the most of the world.

Qiito is currently under development and will be ready for beta launch in October followed by a series of promotions. Even before the product is fully developed, Quiito has already established a partnership with the Taiwan Tourism Board to help promote travel across the region. I’m not sure how, but that’s probably the power of connections. And perhaps it hints that Quiito does have something special to offer.

Here’s how Pei-Han describes Qiito’s service:





monagypsy English → Japanese
Original Text

"Highly visual and intuitive, you can build up your day-to-day travel itineraries on based on location with simple drag-and-drops. With crowdsourced content, you will also benefit from first-person experiences and reviews on places of interest in your destinations. You can share your itinerary with your friends who can amend and comment all in real-time. All these at zero cost."

It does sound good, though similar to what other online travel planners have to offer — especially Tripit, and Yahoo’s trip planner. We’ll await Qiito’s beta launch before providing you with a thorough review. Stay tuned.


