monagypsy Translations

ID Unverified
About 14 years ago
English Japanese (Native)
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
monagypsy English → Japanese
Original Text

Book: Popcorn provides a full list of theaters across Singapore. In other words, there seems to be no favoritism towards a particular cinema. Clicking on ‘book’ will lead the users to the cinema’s page. So depending on the cinema, some of the theater sites aren’t mobile friendly to facilitate easy booking through the iPhone. But the option of letting users buy straight from the app makes things more convenient.

Popcorn isn’t without competitors though. A couple of my friends in Singapore are using the Showtimezz app to check for movie while on the go. I used to use that too but I personally find it a little cumbersome. It doesn’t have a search option to help users find movie information quickly and accurately.




monagypsy English → Japanese
Original Text

The page also has a series of notices for users about scams and other rule-violating content. At the moment, for example, the site warns visitors that a specific “iPad giveaway” is actually a hoax, and calls out several users by name for posting spam. Given that there are already five pages of these warnings, it’s pretty clear Weibo has a spam problem — not that anyone should be surprised to hear that.

The new regulations sound fairly strict, so if they’re carefully enforced, hopefully we’ll be seeing less spam on our Weibo accounts in the future. Here’s hoping!

(And in the meantime, don’t trust people who say they’ll give you free iPads. Come on, people, that’s internet 101.)





monagypsy English → Japanese
Original Text

It’s a Deal! FTuan Snags $60 Million in Funding, Kaixin Partnership

Chinese group buy site FTuan has confirmed, by way of its CEO, Lin Ning, that it has secured US$60 million in third-round funding. With 2,000 employees, Mr Lin states that FTuan has the cash to be sustainable for two or three years. Plus, the company has one more round of financing in the pipeline.

It has also been revealed that FTuan is powering the new Kaixin Tuan deals site that we looked at recently. It’s a partnership that sees FTuan effectively operating the Kaixin Tuan platform (pictured below), as well as being one of the many other group buy sites to coordinate some deals with Kaixin.



中国のグループがFTuanを買収し、第三ラウンド資金調達に置いてUS$6000万を獲得していることをCEOのLin Ning経由で確認している。Mr. Linは、FTuanは、2、3年耐えうる事のできる現金を持つと表明している。また、会社はパイプラインに置いてもう一ラウンドの資金調達がある。

それは、私達が最近見た新しいKaixin TuanのサイトでFTuanが力を持っている事もまた明らかにしている。そのパートナーシップでは、FTuanが事実上Kaixin Tuanプラットフォーム(下記写真)を管理すると同様に、Kaixiinとの取引を整合する為に、多くの他のグループ購入サイトの一つとなりつつあるようだ。

monagypsy English → Japanese
Original Text

The FTuan and Kaixin partnership will soon go further, into – to quote QQ Tech News – a sort of “social e-commerce” platform. Kaixin is a SNS and social gaming platform, so that plan sounds like an interesting fusion of each company’s speciality. No other details are yet available on that.

Back in July of this year, Tencent (HKG:0700) was one of the investors in FTuan’s second round of funding. It was never disclosed just how much the giant web portal injected into the group buy site. Tencent is Groupon’s official joint-venture partner in China, but it has been hedging its bets with its own QQ Tuan, as well as the FTuan investment.


FTuanとKaixinのパートナーシップは、やがてもっと先へ-QQ Tech Newsを引用すると-「ソーシャル電子商取引プラットフォーム」のようなものへと進むだろう。KaixinはSNSとソーシャルゲームプラットフォームなので、そのような計画はそれぞれの会社の特性の興味深い融合のように聞こえる。その他の詳細はまだ入手できていない。


monagypsy English → Japanese
Original Text

Could you briefly tell us a little about Wishscope?

"Wishscope is a web service and iPhone app that helps people connect by matching someone in need of help with those who can contribute or help them. There users can assume two different roles in this service: a person can ask someone else to help them (i.e. be a ‘wisher’), or they can help someone do something (i.e. be a ‘hero’). A list of other users’ wants and wishes will be presented on our platform, and the users can take one if they find something that they can help with. Our service aims to help people solve problems and encourages them to connect with each other on our platform."


