monagypsy Translations

ID Unverified
About 14 years ago
English Japanese (Native)
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
monagypsy English → Japanese
Original Text

Accel Partners Drops $400 Million Venture Fund in India

We were excited when Accel Partners announced its $400 million venture fund in India back in January. But after only eight months, things seem to have changed. The Times of India reports the bad news today that the fund has changed its mind, an unfortunate turn of events for the start-up community in the country.

Accel Partners will scrap its $400 million venture fund plans due to poor market conditions and increasing competition in the VC industry focusing on start-ups in their growth stage. Accel Partners will however remain in India to invest in early-stage start-ups.


Accel Partnersはインドにおいてべンチャーファンド$4億の取り下げ

私達は、1月にAccel Partnersが$4億のベンチャーファンドの発表をした時に興奮した。しかし、たった8カ月後に、事は変わってしまったようだ。インドのTimes誌は、ファンドがその気持ちを変え、インドのスタートアップコミュニティへの予想外に不運な展開になったという悪いニュースを今日伝えている。

Accel Partnersは、乏しい市場コンディションと成長ステージのスタートアップに焦点を当てたVC産業において激化する競争のため、その$4億のベンチャーファンド計画を反故にする。しかしながら、Accel Partnersは早期のスタートアップに投資する為にインドに残る。

monagypsy English → Japanese
Original Text

It was reported that there are over 400 venture capital funds in India alone, many of which are created by financial professionals who quit their jobs to raise their own funds. Of course, big-name venture firms like Sequoia, IDG, and even Intel’s venture arm, are also in India, making investing more competitive.

Nonetheless, India is still a great place to start a business. Accel Partners pulling out its $400 million venture fund doesn’t change a thing about the country. It does, however, indicate that the investing space in India is getting a little crowded and there is more money than there are start-ups to invest in.

We have contacted Accel Partners India to see if we can get an update on this story.



それにもかかわらず、インドはいまだにビジネスを始めるのに素晴らしい場所である。Accel partnersが$4億のヴェンチャーファンドを取り下げても、国には何の変化もない。しかしながら、それはインドの投資スペースが若干混み合ってきており、投資するスタートアップよりも多くのお金がある。

私達はこのストールをアップデートできるかどうか知るためにAccel Partnersに連絡をとっている。

monagypsy English → Japanese
Original Text

Currently it has a big focus on helping music artists and bands create their own app to reach out to their fans. Most commonly, musicians use Mobile Roadie to give info updates to fans, sell concert tickets, stream sample music that leads them to buy from iTunes.

Mobile Roadie has definitely leveraged the power of celebrities to attract attention and downloads; even Hollywood star Ashton Kutcher is an investor and customer. Already, their apps have racked up 10 million downloads and support apps for big names such as Madonna, Taylor Swift, Katy Perry, Linkin Park. That doesn’t mean only musicians can use the system.


現在、それは音楽アーチストを援助し、バンドが独自のアプリで彼らのファンと通信できることができるよう、大きく力を入れている。最も一般的に、ミュージシャンはファンに情報のアップデートを提供したり、コンサートチケットの販売をしたり、iTunesから購入する事へ導くサンプルミュージックのストリームをするためにMobile Roadieを利用している。

Mobile Roadieは注目やダウンロードを集めるためにセレブの力を使い影響力を行使している;ハリウッドスターのAshuton Kutcherは投資家であり利用者でもある。すでに、彼らのアプリは1000万ダウンロードに達している。そして、Madonna、Taylor Swift、Katy Perry、Linkin Parkのようなビッグネームのサポートアプリもある。だからといって、ミュージシャンだけがこのシステムを利用できるという意味ではない。

monagypsy English → Japanese
Original Text

Three months later, Zynga launched FrontierVille and the stigma started to fade slightly among my core games peers throughout the rest of summer in 2010. Part of it had to do with the quality of the game; it was more engaging than FarmVille had been and graphically more attractive. Part of it also had to do with the fact that FarmVille wasn’t going away no matter how critical the core games industry was of it and of Zynga (after two years and millions of lost monthly active users, the game is still at number two in our top 25 Facebook game rankings provided via AppData). Another part of it had to do with the growing acceptance that there’s a lot of money in social games.

