Mars16 (mars16) Translations

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A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
mars16 English → Japanese
Original Text

The Facebook problem

Facebook is massive, amazing, and almost literally incredible: a social network connecting over a billion people. That’s what the data can tell us.

What it can’t tell us is what it will become — what its full upside potential could be.

“Facebook is at the stage that the telephone was at when they thought the phone was not for gossiping — it’s in its infancy,” Gladwell said, referencing that the early telephone marketers thought the phone was only for business. “We need to be cautious when making conclusions … we can see some things now, but we have no idea where it’s going.”







mars16 English → Japanese
Original Text

“Any kind of new and dramatic innovation takes a long time to spread and be understood,” Gladwell said. “If we look at history, it tells us that the Facebook of today looks almost nothing like what it will tomorrow.”

The Airbnb problem

The sharing economy, featuring companies like AirBnB, Uber/Lyft, even eBay, rely on trust. And they’re growing and expanding like wildfire.

And yet, if you look at recent polls of trust and trustworthiness, people’s — and especially millennials — trust is at an all-time low. Out of ten American “institutions,” including church, Congress, the presidency, and others, millennials only trust two: the military and science.




AirBnB、Uber/Lyftさらには even eBayに代表されるシェアリング経済は、信頼関係に依存している。野火のようにこの経済は成長、拡大している。


mars16 English → Japanese
Original Text

That’s conflicting data. And what the data can’t tell us is how both can be true, Gladwell said.

“Data can tell us about the immediate environment of people’s attitudes, but not much about the environment in which they were formed,” he said. “So which is right? Do people not trust others, as the polls say … or are they lying to the surveys?”

The context helps, Gladwell said.

That context is an massive shift in American society over the past few decades: a huge reduction in violent crime. For example, New York City had over 2,000 murders in 1990. Last year it was 300. In the same time frame, the overall violent crime index has gone down from 2,500 per 100,000 people to 500.






mars16 English → Japanese ★★★★★ 5.0
Original Text

I was able to contact Fed Ex and they have informed me that they are looking to set-up a dock appointment so the items can be delivered. The order is currently at their local terminal in Oregon, you may need your freight forwarder to contact FedEx in order to set up an appointment for delivery.

That pricing would be applicable on orders under $3,000. We are unable to do free shipping on small orders as they are too expensive to process, we can offer free shipping on orders over $1,500 and the 25% discount on orders over $3,000. Smaller orders would be subject to regular wholesale pricing.

This is the download link it includes Wondlan new products' photo and marketing material.


Fed Exと連絡を取ることができました。商品が配送されるよう、ドキュメントの準備をしているとのことです。注文品は現在オレゴン州の現地ターミナルにありますので、配達予約をするためにはあなたの貨物フォワーダーからFedExに連絡を取っていただく必要があります。



mars16 German → Japanese
Original Text

Es ist angenehm für mich, dass die Korrespondenz in deutscher Sprache stattfinden kann. wie auch immer
die Zusammenhänge sind. Die Situation ist nach Ihrer zweiten Mail nun eine andere. Wenn Sie die Auktion
mit einem Gebot von 100EUR beenden wollen, mir eine Lieferadresse in Deutschland mitteilen und den
Betrag auf das von ebay benannte Bank-Konto überweisen wollen, können wir die Sache in der von Ihnen
vorgeschlagenen Weise abschließen. Ich bin aber erst am 28,07,2015 aus dem Urlaub zurück und würde
dann sofort den Versand erledigen. Ich kann aber. wie Sie sehen, die weitere Entwicklung, auch einen
etwaigen Zahlungseingang im Internet verfolgen. Die Bewertung meiner Zuverlässigkeit sehen Sie im Angebot.


お互いの関係がどのようなものであれ、ドイツ語でやり取りができるのを嬉しく思います。2回目のメールの後、状況は少し変化しております。オークションを100ユーロの入札金額で終わりにされたいのであれば、ドイツにある発送先住所をお知らせください。そして、ebay指定の銀行口座に送金願います。ご提案のとおり手続きを進めます。ただ、私は休暇から2015年7月28日に戻りますのでその後すぐに発送いたします。 必ず発送します。その後の動き、ネット上でのお支払い記録につきましてはご覧になっていただいている通りです。今回のオファーに関して私が信頼できるという評価につきましても確認していただけます。

mars16 English → Japanese
Original Text

Many startups are founded by young developers with no background in marketing; or by industry experts who haven’t tackled digital or ecommerce marketing in their careers. Some see the impressive resumes of VCs as a reason to give up a little extra equity. Once inside the VC firm or accelerator, it’s usually a surprise to learn that there is no “secret” back door to growth. As Slack demonstrated with its laser focus on core features, getting to product-market fit is just hard, disciplined, consistent effort to talk to customers, uncover problems, and fix them. In other words, it’s all still just good marketing.



mars16 English → Japanese
Original Text

Until startups learn to focus on product-market fit before growth hacking, Chief Marketing Officer may continue be the worst job in a technology startup. I know, I was one. And I can report that companies typically hire Chief Marketing Officers and growth hackers way too early, thinking “We have a great product, now someone needs to sell it.” When the new marketing hire cannot overcome poor product fit, the company is in jeopardy, and the marketer is usually the scapegoat. Tech companies rarely fail due to poor marketing. They fail because no one wanted the product, or because of poor executive leadership.


グロースハッキング以前、スタートアップが製品と市場のフィットに集中することを学ぶまで、CMOはテック系スタートアップの中の仕事の中でずっと最悪の職種であったかもしれない。私はその役職にあったから、それがよく分かる。典型的な企業は今やCMOとグロースハッカーを早期に採用するはずだ。「当社にはいい製品がある。これを売ってくれる人が必要だ」と思いながら。新任マーケティング役員が製品フィットの弱さを克服できなかった場合、その企業は危機に陥る。 テック系企業が貧弱なマーケティングで失敗することはほとんどない。 失敗するのは誰もその製品を必要としていなかったか、トップのリーダーシップに問題があったからである。