marifh (marifh) Translations

5.0 105 reviews
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About 6 years ago
New Zealand
Japanese (Native) English
20 hours / week
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A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
marifh English → Japanese ★★★★☆ 4.0
Original Text

How lovely! I Love the 7 Samurai, the original and best.

Without Kurosawa we have none of the great spaghetti (macaroni, I love this, very sweet!) westerns inspired by his movies, A Fistful of Dollars, The Magnificent Seven and the list I am sure of inspired movies is a long one, we owe so much to this great man!

I also adore his quote, "The role of the artist is to not look away….", I repeat this many times! :)

Thank you very much for the kind words, I hope we get to cross paths some day in your country



黒澤監督に影響を受けなかったら、素晴らしいスパッゲティウエスタン(日本風に言えばマカロニウェスタンーとてもかわいい言い方ですね!)映画は存在しなかったことでしょう。”The Magnificent Seven”始め、黒澤監督に恩恵を受けた映画をあげるとすれば、長いリストになると思います。偉大な監督のおかげです。



marifh English → Japanese ★★★★★ 5.0
Original Text

We would love for someone to offer the Sonic Bomb in Japan. Here in the US we sell over 100,000 units a year. Typically or past partners in Japan only focus on the sbp100. This may be due to the certifications needed to sell a product with a US plug.

Please advise how you would offer the product. How many of which products you would like to commit to purchasing.

Please tell me a little about your company as well. How long in business? URL to your website. What products do you sell and where do you sell them, online, in stores, at trade shows....


Sonic Bomb を日本で販売してくれる人を探しています。こちらアメリカでは、年に10万個以上が売れています。通常、そして今までの日本の共同販売者は、sbp100 だけに重点をおいていました。これはおそらくアメリカのプラグがついているものを販売する時に必要な証明書の関係かと思われます。

