marifh (marifh) Translations

5.0 107 reviews
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Over 6 years ago
New Zealand
Japanese (Native) English
20 hours / week
Contact Freelancer
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
marifh English → Japanese ★★★★☆ 4.0
Original Text

we would be happy to have a chance to give your project the biggest possible visibility. So, we strongly recommend that you send us a video statement or a written interview (which can follow the questions from those we have been publishing). Please check the "Festival News" tab at our website.
This is optional, of course. But you may use the tool we can offer you.

(For those who already sent materials, stay tuned since we are going to publish them in next days)

We will stay in touch. And hope to see you in LA for the ISA annual awards event which is scheduled for the second fortnight of February. As soon as we have the exact dates, we will contact you for the travel preparations (in case you want to attend).





marifh English → Japanese
Original Text

I wanted to get back to you and let you know that we special ordered in this quantity for you.We would like to send this out and get you the product you needed as we don’t need the product on our shelf and not sure how long it would take for us to sell this quantity.What I would like to offer for you is to hold this on our shelves for you and then when we are getting another shipment sent out for you we can just add this to it and get it shipped out at once.As it is such a large quantity and we ordered this in for you we would like to get this to you weather it is shipping by itself or with some other parts when you are ready.Please look this over and get back to me and hope we can work this out for you.



marifh Japanese → English
Original Text




The season here in Japan is autumn.
In autumn in Japan, not only the temperature changes but also the color of leaves changes to red and yellow, they are called "koyo".
It is quite moving to see color of mountains change so cleary and distinctively.
I made a crane by folding origami paper and I enclosed one using a paper called "autumn color"
I hope I can convey a little bit of nice Japanese autumn.

It is now truly in autumn here in Japan.
In autumn, as we can see in Japanese expressions like "Autumn appetite", "Sport in autumn" and "Reading books in autumn", we try to do something special in autumn.
The food which are especially tasty in autumn includes matsukake mushrooms, chestnuts, autumn salmons and snappers. I think autumn food tastes especially nice.