if you want to purchase this item please click on "buy it now", that will put the item in our "sold" cart, from which we can issue you a proper invoice.
please don't try to calculate the shipping yourself, unfortunately it will probably just generate messages like "...does not ship to your location..." or such.
we'll send you an invoice for $10.99cad + $22.00cad tracked shipping = $32.99cad.
この買い物では、ご自分で送料を計算しないようにお願いします。残念ながらそうすると"...does not ship to your location..(そちらの住所には発送できません)"というようなメッセージが出るだけとなりますので。
こちらからお送りする請求は、$10.99+ $22.00 (追跡番号付き送料)=$32.99 となります。(単位はカナダドル)