manhattan_tencho (manhattan_tencho) Translations

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Almost 11 years ago Female
Chinese (Simplified) (Native) Chinese (Traditional) Japanese English
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5 hours / week
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A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
manhattan_tencho Japanese → English
Original Text



*Understand the necessity of taking appropriate measures to guard against infectious diseases.
Deal with the desires and stress in an appropriate manner and understand the importance of working towards self-actualisation.
In order to prevent traffic accidents, understand the features of vehicles and the importance of respecting the lives of people and others by taking the appropriate actions needed such as when to driving safely and walking on the streets.
Understand the meaning and correct procedure of first aid and be able to apply in practice.
Understand the meaning and principles of CPR (cardiopulmonary resuscitation) and be able to apply in practice.
Through the year-long learning of health and sanitation, be able to find the issues and aim to find the corresponding solutions along with like-minded people with the same interests.

manhattan_tencho Japanese → English
Original Text



Through the rational execution of sports, experience the joy of improving one's sporting abilities and engaging in sporting activities.
Restore and adjust one's health condition and learn to cultivate taking the initiative to improve one's fitness through a systematic plan with initiative.
Cultivate the attitude of fairness, cooperation and responsibility while keeping an eye on health and safety. Throughout one's life, build up the ability to be able to continue exercising.
Exercise to build one's body
In order to exercise in an appropriate manner, understand the meaning and ways of engaging in group activities.
Implement a systematic plan to exercise in your daily life through the learning of mindsets and methods.
In order to know the true situation about your physical fitness, do a physical fitness test.

manhattan_tencho Japanese → English
Original Text



Understand the aims and methods of engaging in light exercise and loosening your body.
Aim to improve physical fitness by engaging in exercises that will improve your fitness in various aspects.
When playing games or practising, improve your sporting techniques in accordance to the team's issues and your personal ability. Create a strategic plan which will allow you to take the offensive or be on the defensive at times.
Through kendo, understand it as the martial arts which is part of the native culture of our country.
Be able to understand sporting history, the unique cultural traits and the characteristics of modern sports.
Through exercising, increase your perseverance and be able to run at your own suitable pace as well as refresh your personal best running times.

manhattan_tencho Japanese → English
Original Text



Japan who has been the world No.1 in terms of technological ability, is finding itself struggling against up-and-coming Asian countries like China and South Korea due to the intensification of competition arising from globalisation and the advancement of new technology.
In order for Japanese companies to return to their leading positions again and maintain its presence on the world stage, it needs to actively utilise the new technology from start-ups and innovate within itself. This is when venture capital comes in and plays a pivotal role in making this happen. Venture capital uncovers many promising start-ups and can bring about the rejuvenation of Japan's industries and economy through the utilisation of such new technology from these start-ups.

manhattan_tencho Japanese → English
Original Text





The merchandise bought from the collection
I don't know if this model car is lacking in any parts because I haven't tested it yet.
Please bid for the item with the understanding that I will be shipping this as parts.

This model car's lights, tail lamp, lights on the meter panel, honk sound and engine sound have been tested and confirmed to be working fine.
However, there may be a likelihood that these may not work due to the movement during delivery that may cause the wiring to be loose and disconnected.
When that happens, there is a need for you to repair it at your side.
As there may be other defects which may be present, please bid for this model car under the assumption that it is spoilt.

There is a seal pasted on the glass window.