Takayuki Kida (kidataka) Translations

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Almost 9 years ago Male 30s
United States
Japanese (Native) English
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
kidataka English → Japanese
Original Text

LCR and its affiliates have over $500 million of franchise finance experience and over $10 billion of real estate transaction experience. The firm exclusively focuses on proven high-quality franchise brands who meet its stringent underwriting criteria (less than 5% of brands qualify for LCR EB-5 funding).

(i) Our top fiduciary responsibility is protecting our investors principal through a diversified investment portfolio under a fund structure; (ii) Leverage the proven job-creation capability of franchise investments and (iii) Deploy rigorous, market-tested investment and operating experience towards structured portfolio exits and timely return of their capital.


LCRとその提携企業は5億米ドル以上のフランチャイズ・ファイナンス(資金調達)と1000億米ドル以上の不動産取引の経験があります。当社は、厳しい引き受け基準により証明された高品質のフランチャイズブランドのみに取り組みます。(LCR EB-5ファンディングに適格となるブランドは5%に満ちません。)
