aaaa (kenny2030) Translations

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Over 12 years ago
Japanese (Native) English
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
kenny2030 English → Japanese
Original Text

Zhou commented (translations are mine):

Search engines should be an open platform, where distributions are spread across to many other sites. […] Search engines should not just contain data and fail to put it to better use.

Zhou also reflected that there are plenty of high quality vertical searches out in the market that no one gives a damn about. He is open to the idea of working with smaller web companies, so as to give its users a more professional set of search results. Earlier this week, 360 Search focused on its users’ experience with the launch of the “like Project” allowing social search recommendations – like with Google and G+ – in its own 360 Browser for Windows.




Zhou氏はさらに、市場の外で誰も関心を持っていないたくさんの優秀なバーティカル検索が存在する点についても考えている。同氏は、ユーザーに対して質の高い検索結果を提供するため、小さなウェブ企業と提携することにも前向きだ。今週早く、360 Searchは「Like Project」を導入、同社のWindows用360 Browserにおけるユーザーエクスペリエンスに焦点を合わせた。これで、ちょうどGoogleとG+のように、ソーシャルレコメンデーションを検索結果に反映させることができるようになる。

kenny2030 English → Japanese
Original Text

・Where does the greatest opportunity lie in China’s consumer market?
・What are the most effective online channels to effectively reach them?
・How have leading companies and agencies been most successful? Where have they failed?
・How can I measure results, in turn making the case for additional investments?

Let’s take a quick look at a few facts:

・At the end of 2011, China had 500+ million internet users, 325 million online video users, 250 million microbloggers, and 244 million social media site users. Chinese internet users are relatively young (mostly under 30) and the most active online video users in particular are both young (19–24) with a middle-class income.








kenny2030 English → Japanese
Original Text

Marketers need to pay attention to the quality of the interaction when evaluating campaign progress. Results must be quantifiable, but high participation numbers can be misleading since spam on Chinese social media, especially on microblogs is commonplace. In addition, related to the quality of interactions, there is a trend in China’s social media space in which topic/thought leaders are few, while the majority of users are silent. Therefore, marketers need to examine the quality of their participants, to determine how influential they really are. If you are interested in finding out additional information about the report, you can learn more here [1].



kenny2030 English → Japanese
Original Text

Picture filters have taken off big time with mobile apps like Instagram that give users choice in applying various preset tweaks to their pictures to make them look anything from washed out (harkens back to film camera days) to having more color contrast. This feature is so popular with users that every mobile picture app seems to have it now: Mobile social network Path, check. Photoshop Express, check. Facebook Camera, check.

This time, Bubble Motion’s updated Bubbly app allows users to choose from a range of voice filters that includes villain-izing your voice, cartoon-izing it with the high-pitched helium balloon option or you can pretend you’re a singing superstar:


写真にフィルターをかける機能は、Instagramのようなモバイルアプリで大きくヒットした。ユーザーがあらかじめ調整されたフィルターのプリセットを選択すると、(昔のカメラを思い起こさせるような)色あせたようなフィルターから、もっと色彩のコントラストを強くするフィルターまでかけることが可能で、どのようにでも写真を加工することができるのだ。この機能は非常にユーザーに人気が高く、今ではあらゆるモバイル写真アプリがその機能を備えているようだ。たとえば、モバイル向けソーシャルネットワークのPath、Photoshop Express、Facebook Cameraなどである。

今回アップデートされたBubble MotionのアプリBubblyでは、音声にかけるフィルターをユーザーは選ぶことができる。悪役のような声やアニメに出てくるヘリウムガスを吸ったようなかん高い声、またはスーパースターが歌っているかのような声へも変化させることができるのだ。

kenny2030 English → Japanese
Original Text

Flash/VIP Sales

17. Vipshop

VIPShop focuses on discounts and flash sales. The online retailer partners with over 1,000 brands to bring certain amounts of items at a lower price for consumers. The site mainly covers clothing and electronics. It was one of very few Chinese tech stocks to list in the US this year.

18. FClub

FClub operates on the same model as VIPShop. It got $30 million in funding very recently and might well follow VIPShop along the IPO route. The site was launched in 2009, and it sells mainly mid-range clothing and accessories, as well as some luxury items. The site has partnerships with over 1,500 brands to buy up items and re-sell them to members within a period of five days.







kenny2030 English → Japanese
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“Referral” Commerce

19. Meilishuo, Mogujie

These are the sites that drive traffic to other sites, mainly to Mogujie and Meilishuo are more than just Pinterest clones. They are e-commerce referral startups that function as aggregators of different products listed on other e-commerce sites. Online shoppers will select and pick the items they want, perhaps led there by someone sharing an item via social media, and they will be redirected to the product’s original site for payment. According to Mogujie’s own stats in April this year, the site attracts 2.2 million visitors each day who browse 750,000 items on Taobao every day, and end up buying 60,000 of those.



