aaaa (kenny2030) Translations

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Over 12 years ago
Japanese (Native) English
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
kenny2030 English → Japanese
Original Text

China’s Yelp-like Dianping Secures Over $60 Million in Funding

The Chinese Yelp-like site Dianping has once again hit the jackpot, pulling in, it has announced, “over $60 million” in series D funding. It’s less than the company’s third round of $100 million in April of last year, but it’s still a huge boost as the city directory site also has a growing daily deals business – and that’s a very fragmented market that relies on heavy ad spending.

The new Dianping funding news was tweeted out by the company on its own Weibo page (see it here). Dianping says it will use the new round to focus on its mobile business, as well as general biz development.



中国のYelpタイプのサイトDianpingが、再びジャックポットを引き当て、資金を獲得した。同社はシリーズDの資金調達ラウンドで「6000万ドル以上」を得たと発表した。 この額は、去年の4月に同社が第3ラウンドで獲得した1億ドルより少ないが、それでもこれは同社にとって大きな後押しとなる。このクチコミ情報サイトは拡大中のクーポン共同購入事業をも手がけているからだ。これは広告に大きな費用を割かなくてはならない、非常に断片化したマーケットとなっている。


kenny2030 English → Japanese ★★★★☆ 4.0
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But China Mobile has a new CEO in Xi Guohua, and Xi is taking the company in the opposite direction. According to an article in China Business News, Xi’s strategic buzzword is “professional specialization,” and the CEO has been busy shifting the company from its current location-based configuration to a new approach that will see the company re-split into subsidiaries based on their specific missions.

It is, in a very real sense, the opposite of Wang’s “One China Mobile” policy because Xi apparently intends for these specialized groups with a relatively high degree of autonomy, focusing on their specific missions without much interference or intermingling with other parts of the company.


ところがChina Mobileは新CEOにXi Guohua氏を任命、同氏はこの会社を逆の方向へ連れて行こうとしている。China Business Newsの記事によると、Xi氏の戦略バズワードは「プロを専門化する」というもので、そして同CEOはChina Mobileの現在のロケーションベースの編成から、特定のミッションに基づいて子会社へと再編するという新しいアプローチへ移行することで忙しくしているとのことだ。

これは本当の意味でWang氏の「1つのChina Mobile」ポリシーの正反対である。なぜならXi氏は見たところ、これら専門的なグループに比較的高い自立性を持たせ、多くを干渉せず、あるいは同社の他の部分と交じり合わせずに、その特定のミッションに集中させることを意図しているからだ。

kenny2030 English → Japanese
Original Text

Xi will also create a subsidiary internet company during the second half of this year, as well as subsidiaries to focus specifically on mobile clients and on China Mobile’s international business. It’s not clear exactly how Xi plans to use the internet company — whether that refers to China Mobile’s operations as an ISP or something else entirely isn’t clear — but the company will have its own director, and employees will being peeled off local subsidiaries around the country to help staff the new company. Xi may be hoping to follow in the footsteps of China Telecom, which has seen success with internet subsidiaries like its Tianyi video service.


さらにXi氏は今年の後半、子会社となるインターネット会社、そしてモバイルクライアントおよびChina Mobileの国際経営それぞれに焦点を合わせた子会社を創設する予定である。Xi氏がどのようにそのインターネット会社を使うことを計画しているのか、China MobileにおけるISPの事業を担当するというのか、それとも他の何か全く別の物になるのかは明らかではない。だが、その子会社では独自の取締役が任命され、そして従業員は中国内の現地子会社から離れてこの新会社へ配属されることになる。Xi氏は、Tianyi動画サービスのような子会社で成功したChina Telecomの後を追うことを望んでいるのかもしれない。

kenny2030 English → Japanese
Original Text

Startup Eventifier Archives Your Events

A huge event is tough to cover. Sure, we have live blogging, infographics, photos, and tweets. But there isn’t a good way to keep event information intact after the show is over. You can use Storify to create a nice list of what happened (like we have here and here) or you can simply leave it to Eventifier, an India-based startup that aims to archive your events automatically. All you have to do is to submit your event and allow Eventifier to track your event through your hashtag (for e.g. #startupasia).




kenny2030 English → Japanese
Original Text

Nazim Zeeshan, co-founder of Eventifier, said that he loves attending and running events. But he was constantly frustrated when he couldn’t find a single location to consume the information after the event was over. He told me:

We all are interested in events and to know about all the happenings in and around the events. Who were the speakers? What were the tweets for the event? Shared pictures and videos and what were the slides for the various sessions?

However this dataflow is scattered; searching and finding this information in the vastness of internet is broken to us. These data were very random; hard to find and sort. Eventifier was born out of this annoyance.


Eventifierの共同創業者Nazim Zeeshan氏は、イベントに参加したり、運営したりすることが好きだと述べた。だがイベントが終わった後、まとまった情報を探しに行ってもそれがひとつとして見つからず、彼はいつも落胆していたのだった。彼は私にこのように述べた。
