The basis of this jacket’s performance is the highly windproof, breathable and fast-drying Pertex Classic 6 outer shell while the Dryactiv 3000 lining with its high warmth-to-weight ratio and excellent wicking properties ensures this is a high-tec and very high-performance jacket inside as well as outside.Articulated arms for reach high movement and tailored specifically to reduce hem lift.Fully adjustable and removable pile lined helmet compatible mountain hood with three point adjustment and wired peakSoft fleece beardguard around face and mouth for extra comfortAdjustable hem to prevent spindrift entry and heat lossAdjustable cuffs with grab tabs for ease of use with gloves or mitts
このジャケットの基本的な機能は高い防風力、通気性、速乾性のPertex Classic 6を外郭としていることです。一方、高いWWR値 (ふとんの重量およびサイズにより導き出した単位重量当たりの暖かさ係数) と優れたウィッキング性能で裏地加工されたDryactiv 3000は、内側にも外側にもハイテクで、ずば抜けて素晴らしい高機能を備えたジャケットである。優れた動きやすさを追求するために腕部を関節接合し、さらに、特に裾がずり上がるのを抑えるよう仕立て上げられている。全面的に調節され、脱着可能なパイル織物を裏打ちした、ヘルメットとの相性のいいマウンテン・フード、そして、そこには3つの調節部を備えたワイヤーを入れた頂上部仕様顔や口元の周りをガードする柔らかなフリースの毛による、より一層の心地よさ波しぶきの進入と放熱を防ぐための調節可能な裾手袋やミトンの使いやすくするためのグラブタブ付の調節可能な袖口
I am not familiar with 0ml.Thank you for teaching me!I wonder if it is available to purchase 20 units for the time being.I would appreciate it if you show me the total amount price of products and shipping fee for them.I would like to make a PayPal payment.I will ask the customs office for some advice with detailed information of products. It is because there are some cases not to be able to get it through on customs procedure, even though it is 0ml as fur as starters kit is concerned.Please let me make a purchase if price conditions are met after checking out the amount price with customs.By the way, "A" has 0ml of nicotine liquid?Or does "A" include nothing?