Karen Cornish (karekora) Translations

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About 9 years ago Female 40s
United Kingdom
English (Native) Japanese
Culture Accounting Graphic Design Travel Business Website Publishing/Press Release
40 hours / week
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A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
karekora Japanese → English
Original Text



13才以上 / 身長150cm以上 / 参加承諾書にご署名を頂ける方

当日体調の悪い方、妊娠中の方、飲酒している方、ガイドの指示に 従って頂けない方の参加は不可となり、このような場合ツアー参 加料金の返却はいたしません







We are also renting long-sleeved warm clothes and shoes

Only those who have a bicycle, and only those who can ride can participate.

Those who are 13 years old and over / have a height of 150 cm or more / can sign a participation letter

Participation by those with bad physical condition on the day, those who are pregnant, those who have drunken alcohol, those who can not follow the instructions of the guide will not be accepted. In such cases the tour participation fee will not be refunded.

Clothes should be casual and easy to move about in

It is recommended to also have warm clothes such as long sleeves

NG skirts and long skirts

Shoes, sandals etc. aren’t recommended if they are easy to remove

There is preparation for rent so please use.