みもじ (jsmanami) Translations

ID Unverified
About 13 years ago Female
Japanese (Native) English
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
jsmanami English → Japanese
Original Text

#5: Email
Email seems like a worthy destination for a video clip.
There is one important caveat—the kind of email program you’re using. Email programs that use HTML formats such as Microsoft Outlook or Mozilla Thunderbird will allow you to embed a video clip but other web-based programs like Gmail or Yahoo won’t let you. Here’s a workaround worth trying.

#6: Facebook
By now you’ve probably heard that Facebook is a good place to upload a company video. However, what shows up in a user’s news feed is dependent on a number of news feed optimization factors referred to as EdgeRank. The good news is that video is one area that ranks higher and is more likely to bring a post onto someone’s news feed.


一つ注意があります。それはあなたが使っているEメールのプログラムです。Microsoft OutlookやMozilla ThunderbirdのようにHTML形式を使用しているEメールのプログラムではビデオクリップを埋め込むことができますが、GmailやYahooのような他のウェブベースのプログラムではできません。回避策があるので試してみてください。


jsmanami English → Japanese
Original Text

2.The Brooklyn Kitchen: Say It With A Video
Small business owners usually have a fair amount of expertise to share with the world. A blog can be a wonderful place to flaunt all of that pent-up knowledge — incorporating videos, though, can take your advice to the next level.
The folks over at The Brooklyn Kitchen understand the virtue of nicely produced videos. The team creates how-to videos for its cooking-crazed fans. Whether they’re showing viewers how to shuck oysters or clean a blade grinder, The Brooklyn Kitchen crew focuses on providing useful and targeted information in a high-quality format.


2.The Brooklyn Kitchen: ビデオで語れ
The Brooklyn Kitchenのブログを見ている人々は見事に製作されたビデオの良さを知っている。ここのチームは、料理に夢中なファン向けに料理の仕方を教えるビデオを作っている。牡蠣の殻を外す方法にせよブレードグラインダーの掃除の方法にせよ、視聴者にThe Brooklyn Kitchenの従業員は便利で対象を絞った情報を高品質の形式で提供することに着目している。

jsmanami English → Japanese
Original Text

5. Emerson Salon: Get Social & Personal
There are plenty of blogs out there that are good at integrating social media, and there is another subset of blogs that excel at identifying the people behind the cog. But there aren’t too many sites that manage to blend those two successfully. Emerson Salon, a tech-savvy hair salon in Seattle, is one small business that has tackled that formula and come out on top.
Salon owners Matt Buchan and Alex Garcia run their business with the goal of building a community, both online and offline. On the salon’s website, users see a thorough overview of the company’s digital footprint, including links to its Facebook, Twitter and Yelp pages.


5.Emerson Salon:ソーシャルでパーソナルなサイト
ソーシャルメディアをうまく組み合わせているブログは世の中にたくさんある。また、その大きな組織を陰で支える人たちを見出すタイプのブログもある。しかしそれら二つをうまく取り混ぜたサイトは多くない。シアトルにある高い技術を誇るヘアサロンEmerson Salonは、その取り混ぜに取り組んでトップに躍り出た小企業だ。