jane (janekitt) Translations

ID Unverified
Almost 14 years ago
Japanese (Native) English
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
janekitt English → Japanese
Original Text

It should be easier for employers to include annuities in their retirement plans because Americans are at risk of outliving their savings, insurers told Labor and Treasury department officials today.
The government should extend and clarify “safe harbor” protection, which exempts employers from liability, so they can add annuities as an option in 401(k) retirement plans, said Christine, at a hearing in Washington. Annuities also should be permitted as a default investment, Marcks said.
“Some plan sponsors decline to consider offering guaranteed lifetime-income solutions because of a mistaken belief they’ll have fiduciary liability if the insurer’s financial strength deteriorates in the future,” Marcks said.


政府は雇用主を賠償責任から免除することができる"safe harbor(セーフ・ハーバー)"保護法を拡大し、分かり易くすべきである。そうすれば、雇用主は年金保険制度を401K退職金プランの選択肢として付け加えることができる、とワシントンで行われた聴聞会でクリスティーン氏は述べた。また、マックス氏は次のように語った。年金保険制度は不履行の可能性がある投資であることも許可されるべきだ。なぜなら、制度を取り扱う引受人は、保険会社の財政力が将来悪化した場合、彼らが受託賠償責任を負うという間違った解釈があるため、保証された終身所得解決策の提供を拒否するところもあるからだ。

janekitt English → Japanese
Original Text

74% said that avoiding the conversation comes from the pressure of meeting immediate household financial needs as the sole income earner.
51% of respondents answered that should a partner lose a job, that time would not be the best to bring up a subject that might make them feel even worse.
But despite economic pressures, most people in the survey still indicated that having insurance coverage for someone at home caring for children is just as important as someone earning an income.
85 percent of respondents strongly or somewhat agreed that life insurance is just as critical for a spouse or partner who stays at home and cares for children as it is for the spouse or partner who is the primary income earner.



janekitt English → Japanese ★★★★★ 5.0
Original Text

I removed WHITE because this style went to production as a specia order for you. For the rest of the samples, I’d like to do a 50% discount per my discussion with him. This season s so long ago, we need to agree to 50% discount SS11 women: We will allow you to return all of the samples in the chart. Please confirm the above. Once I get confirmation from you, I will send all SS11 sample invoices again along with a deduction for the samples per the above. We can then proceed with payment for the samples Please move forward with Fall 10 bulk payment separately from this by the end of the week. I do not want our accounting to become confuse



janekitt English → Japanese ★★★★★ 5.0
Original Text

Across its six registered divisions, including a JV, which federally controlled BB bought over the last year - Map had 2.11bn reais in premiums. This was up just 4.17% compared to full market growth of 16.4% during the first half over 1H09.
However, in its main division of Map, the company saw premiums up 20.4% to 1.31bn reais, while life and pension provider Map was down 3.7% to 482mn reais.
In a deal that was detailed in May, Map came away with a 20-year partnership with BB, involving a 295mn reais payment from BB to Mapfre and creating two separate companies, with one selling retail, home and rural insurance products and the other selling P&C, including auto, but not other products handled by the first.


連邦政府が管理しているBanco do Brasil(以下BB)が昨年から買収をしているMapfre(以下Map)のジョイントベンチャーを含む6部門を総合すると、保険料は21億1000万レアルとなった。これは昨年上半期の16.4%上昇に比べると、わずか4.17%の伸びとなっている。しかし、Mapの主要部門では20.4%、13億1000万レアルの保険料増加となり、生命保険や年金部門が3.7%、4億8200万レアルの減少となる中の上昇となった。5月に具体化された契約内容によると、MapはBBと20年間のパートナー契約を結び、その中にはBBがMapに2億9500万レアルを支払って2社の別会社を設立し、1社は個人向けの家屋や農業向けの保険を、別の1社はその他の損害保険や自動車保険など、一方が取り扱わない保険を販売することとなっている。

janekitt English → Japanese ★★★★★ 5.0
Original Text

After 18 months of waiting for health care reform to play out, employers find themselves in a very challenging cost position for 2011,” said Ken, Hewitt’s health care practice leader. “Reform creates opportunities for meaningful change in how health care is delivered in the U.S., but most of these positive effects won't be felt for a few years. In the meantime, employers continue to struggle to balance the significant health care needs of an aging workforce with the economic realities of a difficult business environment. While health care reform cannot be blamed entirely for employers’ increasing cost, the incremental expense of complying with the new law adds fuel to the fire, at least for the short term.


医療改革施行前における18ヶ月の待機期間終了後、2011年は費用面で大変な年になると雇用主は自覚することになるだろう、とHewitt's health care practice(ヒューイットヘルスケアプラクティス)のリーダーであるケン氏は語る。「改革は米国において、どのように医療保険が提供されていくかという中で意味のある変革の機会をもたらすのではあるが、2~3年の間は効果を感じることは難しいだろう。その間、雇用主は年老いて行く労働者が医療保険を望む重要性と厳しい経済環境という現実とのバランスで苦労することになるだろう。雇用主の負担が増すというだけで医療改革を全面的に否定することはできないが、新しい法律に合わせたコストの増加は、少なくとも短期間の間、火に油を注ぐことになるであろう。

janekitt English → Japanese ★★★★★ 5.0
Original Text

But the growth was just 19.8% over January-July 2009, compared to close to 40% growth in previous months.
However, the facultative civil liability and credit life, which are connected to the growing infrastructure and housing markets respectively, were up 22.0% and 20.7% respectively - much faster than their previous growth rates and above the market's growth rate.
Group personal accident insurance also surged up 20.1% to 1.43bn reais.
Auto insurance grew 13.4%, while group life was up just 7.5%.

The Brazilian market's profitability is following the strong growth of its premiums and improving efficiency, while local financial markets' relatively weak performance has done little to stem this tide.


