haru Translations

ID Unverified
Over 14 years ago
Japanese (Native) English
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
haru English → Japanese
Original Text

Japan Railways Experiments with ‘Train Net’

Japan is renowned for its train innovation. The ‘Bullet Train’ was a breakthrough for high speed rail in the 1960s and remains to this day arguably the only economically sound implementation of the technology. In 2001 East Japan Railways (JR East) began using a ticketless payment system. This system allowed commuters to wave an IC card at the ticket gate to gain entrance. The contactless payment system was integrated into mobile phones, replicated by most all other train lines in Japan and is now used by tens of millions of commuters. This achievement stands as one of the first commercially successful applications of NFC (technically FeliCa).


「Train Net」を用いたJRの実験

日本は高度な鉄道技術で広く知られている。「新幹線」は60年代の高速鉄道の大躍進であり、間違いなく唯一経済的に健全な技術を成し遂げたとして今日に残る。2001年にJR Eastはチケットを要しない支払システムを導入した。このシステムにより、通勤客は改札でICカードをかざし入場することができるよにになった。この非接触型の支払システムは携帯電話にも組み込まれ、ほぼ全ての日本の鉄道路線でも同様に導入され、現在では数千万人の通勤客に利用されている。この実績は、NFC(Felicaの技術)の最初の商業的に成功をおさめたアプリケーションの一つとして評価されている。

haru English → Japanese
Original Text

CyberAgent To Help International Smartphone Developers Reach Japanese Market

Japanese interactive entertainment company CyberAgent has just announced that it will be providing marketing services for international corporations who are targeting the smartphone market in Japan. The company’s director, Takahito Naoti, explains:

"By establishing the International Mobile Marketing Division we will look to further bolster smartphone advertising revenue in Japan and expand our client base by targeting overseas advertisers encouraged by the burgeoning growth of the Japanese smartphone market."



日本のインタラクティブエンターテインメント会社サイバーエージェントが、先日、日本のスマートフォン市場にターゲットをむけている国際的な企業向けにマーケティングサービスを提供すると発表した。取締役のナオチ タカヒト氏は以下のように説明する:


haru English → Japanese
Original Text

A CyberAgent representative tells Penn Olson this evening that the company “believe[s] that Japanese smartphone ad market is still strong, growing, and prominent.” Its announcement also cites Chetan Sharma Consulting saying that Japan has the world’s highest mobile ARPU (see chart below). So in that respect, the Asian nation will be an attractive market in that consumers are quite used to paying for mobile services. And as we noted back in June, the average price of iOS apps are higher in Japan than anywhere in the region.

You can read more about CyberAgent’s Mobile Marketing initiative over on its website.


サイバーエージェントの代表者が今夜、会社は「日本のスマートフォンの広告市場は、まだまだ強く、成長しており、卓越していると思っている」とPenn Olsonに語った。その発表も、日本が世界で最もARPU(ユーザーごとの収益平均)が高い(下記グラフ参照)としているChetan Sharma Consultingの発言を引用している。故にその点において、アジア地域の利用者はモバイルサービスに非常に大きな支出をしてきており魅力的なマーケットである。そして、我々が以前6月に言及したように、iOSアプリケーションの平均価格は、この地域のどこよりも日本が高い。


haru English → Japanese
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Batara then took over from Willson and shared his story, going back to Mixi in Japan. Before creating Mixi, the founding company had previously started a jobs listing site and Batara applied to be a developer there.

So what were the initial impressions of the start-up founders listening to all this? Bayu Raharjo from Promoote said that his favorite moment was…

"…when Batara Eto shared his journey how he took Mixi from 10,000 in three months to 10 million in three years. He funded it from all his projects before he started working for the company. It really boosted our confidence to do the same and hopefully with East Ventures Alpha’s help, we can do it. I can’t wait for the next mentoring session!"



これらの話を全て聞いて起業発起人達の第一印象は?PromooteのBayu Raharjo氏は、一番惹かれたところを述べた。

「衛藤バタラ氏がMixiを3ヶ月で10,000から3年で1千万へとさせた道のりを披露したときです。彼は、その会社へ就職する前に、彼のプロジェクトから資金提供をした。その話は、自分たちも同じようにするんだという我々の士気を高めました、きっと我々はEast Ventures Alphaの支援を受けて成し遂げられる。次の、講習会が待ちきれません!」

haru English → Japanese
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Ultimately though, he expects Android to overtake iOS in China as it is doing in the U.S. market. “We’re excited about iOS because it attracts an affluent consumer base, but Android will have the volume play in China,” he said. “We’re seeing $100 Android handsets that are pretty powerful.”

But Android is far more fragmented than it is in the U.S. with competing variants of the platform plus several independent app stores (which we wrote about in an in-depth piece over the weekend). So PopCap is bypassing this by going for pre-install deals with carriers and device makers for distribution.




haru English → Japanese
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