haru Translations

ID Unverified
Over 14 years ago
Japanese (Native) English
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
haru English → Japanese
Original Text

Figurine is in near mint condition. Please review pictures carefully. There is floral damage as well as a piece of lace which is draped around her legs missing. Otherwise the figurine is in great conditions. All hands, fingers and feet are intact. This auction is for the 1 figurine # 1602,, the other is listed separately. Pictures ONLY show the two like figurines together, but are being auctioned separately. Because of the damage described, this figurine is being started with a low auction of 25% of it's retail value. Original box is not available, but figurine will be professionally packed so it doesn't suffer additional damage.



haru English → Japanese
Original Text

He exhibited at the most avant-garde galleries of his day. He showed with Marcel Duchamp and the Surrealists at the Julien Levy Gallery, and at Peggy Guggenheirns Art of This Century, where his work was exhibited with the Surrealists as well as with Jackson Pollock, Motherwell, William Baziotes, Rothko, and Clyfford Still. Cornell's boxes were exhibited at the Charles Egan Gallery in the late 1940s and early 1950s with the paintings of de Kooning and Franz Kline, and in the mid-1950s he joined the Stable Gallery, where he showed with several of his colleagues from the Egan Gallery and with younger artists Robert Rauschenberg and Cy Twombly.


彼は前衛的なギャラリーに出展した。ジュリアンレヴィギャラリーとジャクソン・ポロック、マザーウェル、ウイリアム・バジオッティス、ロスコ、、クリフォード・スティルらの作品と供に彼の作品が展示されていたペギー・グッゲンハート・アート・オブ・ディス・センチュリーでマルセル・デュシャンとシュールレアリストたちと作品を披露した。コーネルの箱は1940年代後半と1950年代前半にデ・クーニングとフランツ・クラインの絵画とともにCharles Egan Gallery に展示され、1950年代半ばにはEgan Galleryからの仲間とロバート・ラウシェンバーグやサイ・トゥオンブリーら若いアーティストとらと作品を披露していたステイブル・ギャラリーに加わった。

haru English → Japanese
Original Text

Cornell thrived on the excitement of Manhattan, but he lived out his entire adult life in a simple frame house.He was never formally trained as an artist, nor did he travel to Europe, yet his works are filled with recondite references to obscure figures of the past.Fascinated by the world of images and in love with literature,and music,he worked in the basement of his home to combine these separate disciplines into the very personal poetry that is his art.He revered Marcel Duchamp above all, considering him the greatest intellectual he knew, and admired Max Ernst and Matta.But he was outraged by Pop art.Warhol trivialized and sensationalized the common objects of daily life for which Cornell had great respect.



haru English → Japanese
Original Text

Yet he was far from a loner,constantly receiving visitors-artists and movie stars-to the modest home on Utopia Parkway in Queens that he shared with his mother and brother, but he had a sense of humor and the occasional bon mot. He preferred the company of women to men and would often keep his male visitors waiting while he received their wives or companions.He collaborated with photographers and filmmakers, and presented his film collection on numerous occasions. He lunched with Marcel Duchamp,and went behind the scenes to visit his beloved ballerinas in their dressing rooms. While not exactly a man about town, he was social when the mood struck him,but he was also incredibly shy and enormously introspective.

