hammer_55 Translations

ID Unverified
About 12 years ago Female
Japanese (Native) English
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
hammer_55 English → Japanese
Original Text

Letterman: Thank you very much. Beautiful! Excellent! Here we go. Our first guest tonight is a three-time Academy award nominated actor. His films have made a staggering $6 billion. Whoa. Hell, I got that on me. He stars in a brand new motion picture entitled The Tourist, it opens on Friday. Ladies and gentlemen, here’s Johnny Depp.

Letterman: Good to see you, Johnny. How are you doing?

Depp: It’s nice to see you. I’m all right.

Letterman: I watched your movie, I don’t want to seem goofy about this, I enjoy watching you in films because you never know when you are going to pull some stuff. You know what I mean?

Depp: Yes.

Letterman: As an actor, it’s fascinating to watch you, and that’s what you want.






