Eiko (gloria) Translations

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Almost 15 years ago Female
Japanese (Native) English Spanish
Business Law technology Patents Science IT
20 hours / week
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gloria English → Japanese
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According to Stella Fayman, of Entrepreneurs Unpluggd, PR can make or break your company’s launch, especially if you are looking to gain early customers. That’s because getting attention in notable publications accomplishes three goals:

1. Early exposure for your brand
2. Excitement about your product from potential customers
3. Social proof that your company is worth exploring
Reporters generally cover companies that are going through significant life cycle events such as launch, funding, or new product launches. This will be one of the few times you can generate buzz naturally by just being novel, exciting and having an interesting message, says Fayman.



Entrepreneurs UnplugedのStella Faymanによると、初期顧客を増やしたいと思っている場合は特に、PRがあなたの会社の立ち上げをしてくれるあるいは突破口を作ってくれるという。これは目立つパブリケーションで注目を集めることが次の3つのゴールを達成してくれるからだ:


gloria English → Japanese
Original Text

What to Do Post Launch

Even before you launch your team should formulate a plan of attack using the information above to guide your brainstorming. To structure your thoughts and the actionable tactics you create, use Noah Kagen’s quant-based marketing approach. As you document your approach and track the results using Noah’s template, you will be able to see which marketing tactics drive results and which don’t.

As you learn what works and what doesn’t you will to want to double down on the winners (top 80%) and replace the losers (bottom 20%) with new tactics and then repeat the process. Your goal of continuous growth for your startup must be matched with a drive for continuous learning and experimentation.



あなたが立ち上げを行う前から、あなたのチームは上記の情報を使って攻勢プランを練ってブレインストーミングをスムーズに行うようにすると良いだろう。あなたの考えや、実行できる戦略を構成するには、Noah Kagenの金融ベースのマーケティングアプローチを使うと良い。Noahのテンプレートを使ってあなたのアプローチを文書化してその結果を追跡すれば、どのマーケティング戦略が良い結果を出しどのマーケティング戦略が良い結果を出さないかがわかるだろう。


gloria English → Japanese
Original Text

many thanks for further order, now everthing is clear, I booked the 3 bindings - now we have 10 bindings 610.- Euro and shipping price 61.- Euro (91.- - 30.- Euro discount) = total 671.- Euro

I sent a checkout-link with afterbuy and payment Paypal, if the link does not work, you may use the eBay checkout, I changed the shipping price in eBay, so that the total is 671.- Euro. Alternate I sent you a request for the money with Papyal

I´ve fount some rare older alpin plate-bindungs in my depot, I like to make you an offer, today or at the bginning of the week I send you some photos and model informations

kind regards and have a nice weekend




