eggplant (eggplant) Translations

ID Verified
Over 11 years ago
Japanese (Native) English
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
eggplant English → Japanese
Original Text

Dear aaaa,

We are contacting you in regards to a recent payment received using your US Payment Service, Payment Reference Number 12345678.
Unfortunately as the sender, AMAZON.COM ******** , is not a company on our white list of approved senders, we were unable to process this payment. The payment has been returned to AMAZON.COM ******** and you have not been charged any loading fee.

Please note that your US Payment Service can only be used to receive payments from companies on our white list of approved senders, which you can view here. If you would like to request that a company be added to the list, please submit your request using the form on the link mentioned above.


aaaa 様

お支払い参照番号 12345678


eggplant English → Japanese
Original Text

The new mini-shopping cart is an incredibly cool new feature available to everyone, but we inadvertently turned it on for many of you when you didn't expect it. We fixed this bug. As always, you can disable shopping cart functionality by changing your store to a "Buy Now" type under Store > Settings > General.
A small number of sites were affected by some changes to their product elements, even in legacy mode, which will keep everything looking the same. We've addressed the majority of these issues and are working on addressing the remaining ones within the next couple days. If you want to enable legacy mode, head to Store > Settings > Display.



eggplant English → Japanese
Original Text

Dear ○○
This email is being sent to you by Amazon to notify and confirm that a return authorization has been requested for the item(s) listed below.

○○, please review this request in the Manage Returns tool in your seller account. Using the Manage Returns tool, please take one of the following actions within the next business day:

1. Authorize the buyer's request to return the item.
2. Close the request.
3. Contact the buyer for additional information (through Manage Returns or the Buyer-Seller Communications tool).

giandavide, the information below is confirmation of the items that you have requested to return to ○○. No additional action is required from you at this time.

Order ID: ○○○
Item: ○○○○




○○さん、あなたの販売者アカウントのManage Returnsのツールにある、このリクエストをご参照下さい。Manage Returnsのツールを利用して、翌営業日以内に下記の対応の内、いずれかを行なって下さい。

1. 商品の返品を求める買い手のリクエストを承認する。
2. 要求を断る。
3. 買い手にさらなる情報提供を求める。(Manage Returnsあるいはthe Buyer-Seller Communicationsを利用する)



eggplant English → Japanese
Original Text

Thanks for contacting us. I am sorry that your return wasn't correctly processed for order A128124791. I have filed a claim with our returns department to have this issue fixed. Please allow 24 - 48 business hours for the claim to be processed and 1 - 3 business days for the credit to successfully apply. For order A128335439 it appears that your remaining items were lost by the courier, I have arranged these to be reshipped to you at no further cost. Please note the refund you received was for the Seeing Spots iPhone 5 Cases that were not available at the time we processed the claim to reship your missing merchandise. I apologize for any inconvenience or confusion this may cause.


ご連絡ありがとうございます。注文A128124791の返品が正確に実行されず、申し訳ありません。返品の部署に問題解決をするよう伝えました。要求が受理されるまでの24~48営業時間と、クレジットが問題なく適用されるまで1~3営業日お待ち下さい。注文A128124791に関して、残りの商品は運送業者が紛失してしまったようなので、追加費用なしで再送するよう取り計らいました。受け取った返金は、紛失した商品の再送要求中に、ご利用になれなかったSeeing Spots iPhone 5 Casesの分であることをご理解下さい。この度は、不都合と困惑を与えてしまい、申し訳ありません。

eggplant English → Japanese
Original Text

Built on three key industry pillars – ‘a diversity of destinations’, ‘unrivalled business opportunities’, and ‘the high quality of Thailand’s MICE professionals’ – the new, and indeed very high quality branding is expected to give a boost to Thailand’s 5-Year Master Plan (2012-2016) to boost the MICE sector and help attract almost one million MICE travellers from overseas in 2014.

“The MICE industry has always played a key role in driving the broader economy, earning revenues of approximately 80 billion baht or about 2.66 billion US dollars per year,” said Nopparat Maythaveekulchai, President of TCEB. “I believe that the ‘Thailand CONNECT’ campaign will help drive further MICE sector growth.”



「MICE産業は常に経済拡大を推進する上で、中心的役割を担ってきて、年間に約80億バーツあるいは2.66億米ドルもの歳入を確保している。」とTCEBの代表であるNopparat Maythaveekulchaiは述べている。「私は、「タイ国コネクト」運動がさらなるMICE部門の成長の手助けとなると信じている。」