Keenan Davis (davis_teruo911) Translations

ID Verified
Almost 12 years ago
United States
English (Native) Japanese
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
davis_teruo911 English → Japanese ★★☆☆☆ 2.0
Original Text

ive responded to your false claim on Paypl, i emailed you back regarding this issue and youve either failed to read my mail or decided to open a false claim, ive contacted Paypal regarding this and have informed them of your demand of £25 yet refusual to return the card, so therefore if you dont close the claim and accept the £5 offer or return the card with tracking, then you leave me no choice to inform Ebay & Paypal with for breaking policy, which can result in your banning from the site.

You seem to think that just because your in a different country that i wont sure you for a false claim and slander, yet i will.

Youve been warned, ignore this last email and its you who will ending up paying more money.





davis_teruo911 English → Japanese
Original Text

The three types of microwave circuits are shown in Table 11.1. Discrete
circuits consist of packaged diodes and transistors mounted in coaxial or
waveguide transmission line assemblies. Anexample ofa discrete microwave
circuit is a PIN diode mounted in a coaxial transmission line to make an
electronically controlled attenuator. Boththe transmission lineassembly and
the diodeare discrete parts, and the diodescan usually be removedfrom the
assembly and replaced if required.A hybrid MIC consists of diodes, transistors, and other circuit elements
that are fabricated separately and a microstrip transmission line circuit con
sisting of microstrip circuit elements such as matching stubs, couplers, hy
brids, and filters.



davis_teruo911 Japanese → English
Original Text

通信大手ソフトバンクの孫正義社長は苫小牧東部地域(苫東)で計画中の大規模太陽光発電施設について、まず最大出力11万1千キロワットの発電能力がある施設を建設し、2014年度中の稼働を目指すことを明らかにした。国内のメガソーラー8 件では最大級。順次、苫東内で施設数を増やし、最終的には20万キロワット規模とする方針だ。



President Masayoshi SON of the major telecommunications company Softbank confirmed that his plans for the large-scale solar power facility planned in the eastern area of Tomakomai city (Toma-To), are to first construct facilities which can generate a maximum of 111,000 kilowatts and be operating by mid-2014. Of the eight mega-solar farms in Japan, this is the largest. Sequentially, the company will increase facilities within Toma-To with the objective of being capable of producing 200,000 kilowatts in total.

At first, Softbank planned on constructing facilities that amassed an output of 340,000 kilowatts, but as this plan exceeds the capabilities of the power collection systems, Hokkaido Electric Power requested that they reduce it to around 200,000 kilowatts.