女の忍者のことを日本ではクノイチと呼びます。漢字で「女」と書く時に「く」「ノ」「一」と書く事に由来しています。(このスマートフォンゲームは2016年春リリース予定)2016年2月にはスタートアップ起業家と投資家や大企業のマッチングを目的としたイベントも開催予定 海外からのお客さんには、渋谷界隈のインターネット企業やベンチャーキャピタルのシェアオフィスを案内するツアープログラムも用意しています
In Japan, a female ninja is called a Kunoichi. The word's origin comes from the kanji for "woman," which is written with the radicals for "KU" "NO" and "ICHI."(This smartphone game will be released in the spring of 2016)In February 2016, we are holding events aiming to match venture capitalists, investors, and major companies together. We will also be providing tour programs that guide customers from abroad around internet-related businesses and venture capital share offices in the Shibuya area.
The product you ordered has already been sent to the address you gave me, shown below, on September fifteenth. The postal service I sent it with (Yu-Mail) did not come with a tracking number.(Address)Because it hasn't reached you yet, I checked the address again. It appears that the address you used was for a forwarding service called jshoppers.com. When I contacted jshoppers.com, they told me that the address you gave them is apparently incorrect.I will contact you if the product is sent back to me.Thank you for your understanding.
Because you contacted me about an item not being sent, I checked the tracking number, and the information confirmed that it was sent on 8/17 and has been received on 8/21st.I sent it in a small white B5 sized envelope. Could you please check around your house again just to be sure it hasn't been sent?I will also send you the the voucher for the package I sent to you.If you don't find it, could you please check with your local post office about it?Thank you.
注文を変更して下さったという事でありがとうございます。写真は、right-handed throw のものという事ですね?商品は間違い無くこれが欲しいのですが、右と左用の2種類が選択できるという事で、混乱してしまいました。右で投げるという意味で、左に装着するのかが分からなかったので、大変助かります。ご配慮頂きましてありがとうございます。
Thank you for changing my order.The picture shows a "right-handed throw," correct?That is definitely the product I want, but I had a bit of trouble between picking the right or left handed one.I understand now that it means that the right hand is throwing, so the product is worn on the left. That information was very helpful, as I was unaware of that.Thank you again for your consideration.
The figures in fairy tales are not ambivalent ― not good and bad at the same time, as we all are in reality. But since opposites dominate the child's mind, they also dominate fairy tales. A person is either good or bad, nothing in between. One brother is stupid, the other is clever. One sister is virtuous and industrious, the others are vile and lazy. One is beautiful, the others are ugly. One parent is all good, the other evil. Opposite characters are not placed next to each other for the purpose of stressing right behavior, as would be true for cautionary tales.
Please prepare packages 2466 and 2280 for shipment. I would like to ship them out today, so please prepare them quickly.By the way, is there a reason why I need to send the same invoice twice?Everything in the package from A is listed in the first invoice.It is shown in package 7670. The only invoice I have is the one sent to you.There is only one invoice.I don't think it will be necessary to send the same invoice more than once, as you already have it.
Thank you for canceling my order.I will use the labels you sent to send the product back to you.Please take care of it.You sent seven labels, but only five boxes have reached Yamato.You are asking for the return of those five boxes, correct?Yesterday, I ordered 40 bathrobes.I think I will order more in bulk in the future, but is there any way to get a discount on an order like this?Also, would you mind telling me how many should I buy in order to get such a discount?I am waiting for your reply.
Hey everyone, thanks again for your hard work!Last week, we started passing out fans around the main subway stations in Tokyo. We'll be doing it again tomorrow morning at Shinagawa, Shinbashi, and Yurakucho Stations. Anyone interested in participating can come to the office at 7:50 tomorrow morning. Also, sometime next week, we are planning to pass out more fans at Shibuya Station. Those of you who haven't joined us before as well as former participants are all are free to join us! Let's take over Shibuya all morning!