M.Nagai (brother346) Translations

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Over 11 years ago
English Japanese (Native) German Hebrew
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
brother346 Japanese → English
Original Text



The deployment of the medical care and nursing care contents to the tablet terminal which Company A develops
Install it as standard equipment and make it easy for a senior to use it
Carry out the introduction of pharmacist through Company B with precedence
Provide the medical care and nursing care contents to the terminal which the staff uses.
The offer of education contents (e-learning) for the basic knowledge acquisition
Offer a credit card to a user of service C (value solicitation such as a merit being provided when we do the use charges settlement of C in a credit card )
The offer of the medical care and the nursing care contents to the homepage, which clients looks at in particular
Offer contents for elderly people
Reach to an elderly person, a company, a worker

brother346 English → Japanese
Original Text

As Octavian was kept waiting at the vestibule for some time, he interpreted the fact as a sign of Antony's displeasure, but when he was admitted there were greetings and mutual inquiries proper to the occasion. When the time came to speak of the business in hand, Octavian said: "please give me the gold coin. For the rest of my expenses I may perhaps borrow from you, if I may be so bold, or from the public treasury on your security, if you will give it, and I will offer my own property for sale at once."While Octavian was speaking in this fashion Antony was astonished at his freedom of speech and his boldness, which seemed much beyond the bounds of propriety and of his years.



brother346 English → Japanese
Original Text

When he arrived at the city his mother and Philippus and the others who were interested in him were anxious about the estrangement of the Senate from Caesar, and the decree that his murderers should not be punished, and the contempt shown him by Antony, who was then all-powerful, and had neither gone to meet Caesar's son when he was coming nor sent anybody to him. Octavian quieted their fears, saying that he would call on Antony, as the younger man on the older and the private citizen on the consul, and that he would show proper respect for the Senate. As for the decree, he said that it had been passed because nobody had prosecuted the murderers; whenever anybody should have courage to prosecute,



brother346 Japanese → English
Original Text




The festival event that has continued since the 18th century in Tsuchizaki Port district, Akita-City, Akita. It is appointed in the national significant intangible folk cultural asset and is performed every year for two days of July 20 and 21st. The designation of Hkiyamagyouji is "Port Festival" in hometown, Tsuchizaki.

The travel notes "snowy falling way" of Soan Tsumura introduces Hikiyamagyouji of 1789 as follows : "40 festival cars were being pulled in accordance with to the tune of a gong, a hand drum, a flute, and a samisen, and it was very lively." They had been competing for the height of Hikiyama within the town, and in the beginning of the Meiji era, the one with more than approximately 21 meters heght was made. However, it was set a limit by the electric wire in 1900 and became the current figure.