居倉 悠香 (anna_claba) Translations

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About 9 years ago Female 30s
Japanese (Native) English French
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
anna_claba English → Japanese ★★★★★ 5.0
Original Text

Meanwhile, revenues have been growing, but after nine years, Twitter still doesn’t turn a profit. And that leads to constant speculation that it might acquired by Google or someone else. Not super for morale.

Costolo almost completely overhauled the upper ranks of management last year, and yet some of the fundamental problems didn’t seen to get fixed. At some point, there’s only one head left to chop off.

And while it’s not worth repeating in detail, if you read (or skim) the Sacca blog post, you get a good feeling for perhaps Twitter’s biggest shortcoming: Its inability to consistently develop new products that expand use and engagement.





anna_claba English → Japanese
Original Text

10. Sing-Song table and Flex Sleeves
Berklee College of Music (USA)
(Okay, cheating a tad here, since there are really two here. But both come from a research department at the famed music school.)

The Sing-Song table is a ping-pong table that has sensors connected underneath. As the game progresses, the tapping of the ball adjusts the music to match the pace of play. Okay, so the market here is quite limited. Still, it shows how just about anything can become an instrument.

The Flex Sleeves project has a bit more market potential. A performer puts on the two armbands, and they can use them to control the mix of music and do things like Auto-Tune their voice. The bands also affect the visual display on the screen.


10. Sing-Song tableとFlex Sleeves

Sing-Song tableは下にセンサーが接続されているピンポンテーブルだ。試合が進むにつれて、球のポンと当たる音が試合のペースに合わせて音楽を調整してくれる。そうとも、この市場はごく限られているだろう。それでも、これにより何でも楽器にできるということを証明していることは確かだ。

Flex Sleevesプロジェクトのほうが市場へのポテンシャルを秘めているだろう。パフォーマーが2つの腕輪を身につけ、これを使って音楽のリミックスをコントロールでき、Auto-Tuneで声を調整するのと同じようなことができるわけだ。また、腕輪は画面上に目に見える形でも反映される。