0.Hello, Can $ 230 EMS free shipping to China? I will pay immediately, thanks.1. HI, $230 EMS free shipping to China? Shipping costs $ 30 is not deductible.Please modify invoices, I will pay, thank you.2.Hi, EMS free shipping to China. Shipping address has been sent to the EBAY email. Please check, can not deliver to the United States.
0 EMS便で中国まで送料無料で230ドルにして頂けますか。直ちに支払いをします。よろしくお願いします。1 こんにちは。EMS便で中国まで送料無料で230ドルでしょうか。30ドルの送料は割引不可ではありません。2 こんにちは。 EMS便で中国まで送料無料です。出荷先住所はメールでeBayに送ってあります。ご確認ください。米国には配達できません。
If you have tracking information, please add it to your orders on the "Manage Orders" page in the Orders section of your Seller Central account (https:/※※). By adding tracking information to your orders, buyers can track orders at their convenience. If you have not already done so, we encourage you to send a friendly reminder to buyers requesting that they leave feedback on your account. To learn about how to contact buyers, search “Buyer-Seller Messaging Service” in Seller Central Help.
Hey u send me item by parcel force and they ask me to pay another £35.35 why is that for , you should a tell me earlier about this charges . Listen I don't this parcel now and you tell me how much it cost you to send my address you should tell me earlier about this kind of charges I bought jeans from Australia for £56 worth and they also deliverd by Parcle force they didn't charge me any custom ?? Why for ur item I have to pay this why don't look for this before you send to me .. Tell me to return ur item ,Dear seller. Please I need you to confirm me if the [NEW Olympus TCON-17X Tele Converter ]is Original Olympus?It comes in original box? Since there is no product description.
こんにちは。パーセルフォースで商品を送ってくださいましたが、パーセルフォースから別途35.35ポンド支払うよう要求されました。何のために支払いが必要なのですか。この費用のことをもっと早く教えてくださるべきでした。お聞きください。私はこの小包はほしくありません。こちらの住所に配送するのにいくらかかったのか教えてください。このような費用がかかることをもっと早く知らせてくださるべきでした。私はオーストラリアからジーンズを56ポンドで買いました。それもパーセルフォースを使って配送されましたが、関税はかかりませんでしたが?なぜこの商品にはこのような支払が必要なのですか。これを送ってくださる前に検討してくださらないのでしょうか。返送の方法を教えてください。販売者様。[NEW Olympus TCON-17X Tele Converter ]には商品説明がありませんので、本物のオリンパスの商品なのか、元の箱に入ってくるのか確認していただきますようお願いいたします。
I made the website myself in about three nights, added Paypal buttons to take payment and make it accessible and that worked for us. It can work for a lot of small businesses, although once your volumes increase Paypal can become expensive.That first £600 got us six satchels - I got the kids from my children's school to wear them for photographs for the website, we took the photos around Cambridge and sent them out to bloggers, along with a note about what I was doing and why.It grew gradually throughout 2009 and then people like Sophie Ellis Bextor bough a bag on the website and that was a turning point.
私は約3か月前、自分でウェブサイトを作成し、支払いを受け取り、アクセスを可能にし、弊社のために機能するようPaypal ボタンを追加いたしました。お客様の商品の数が増えればPaypalでは高くつきますが、多くの小規模事業にとっては役に立ちます。最初の600ポンドで学生鞄を6個購入しました。うちの子供の学校の子供たちにウェブサイト用の写真を撮影するために鞄を身に着けてもらいました。和たちたちはケンブリッジ周辺で写真撮影を行ない、自分が行っている活動とその理由を添えてbloggersに送信しました。2009年、事業は徐々に拡大し、ソフィー・ミシェル・エリス・ベクスターのような方々がこのウェブサイトで鞄を購入してくださいました。それが転換点でした。
There’s no better motivator than thinking you want to do something to improve life for your children. I also have the most supportive mum, which helps.We had £600 as a seed fund to start with, and my kitchen table. With that, we were off.It took a long time to find someone who made satchels and when we did he wasn't sure what to make of us. He went back to his wife and said 'she was so enthusiastic, and I tried telling her people don’t like satchels any more, but she wouldn’t have it, so I'll make a few and then she’ll realise'. (Dean laughs)
お子様の生活をよくするために何かしてあげたいと考えることほどすばらしい動機はありません。私も強力にサポートしてくれる母がいて、助かっています。当社のキッチンテーブルのシードファンドをスタートするに当たり600ポンドの資金があったため、それを起点としました。学生鞄を作ってくれる職人を探すのにかなりの時間がかかり、やっと見つけた時には、職人は私達のことをどう解釈すればよいのか理解しかねていました。職人は家に帰ると奥さんにこう言いました。「彼女はひどく興奮していて、俺は今どき人は学生鞄なんて求めていないと言おうとしたんだが、それでは彼女の意に沿わないだろう。それで、いくつか作ってみることにした。そうすれば彼女も気づくだろう。」 (ディーン・笑)
I am glad that you are requesting for higher selling limits. This would only indicate that you want to sell more and grow your business with us. Let me help you and provide you information on how you can increase your selling limits.• What is the name of your business? • How long have you been in business? • Do you have a website? • Do you sell on any other website, including your own? • If yes, how much experience do you have with selling on the internet? • How many employees do you have working on the account? • Do you dedicate stock to eBay? Or are you listing items that are also publicly available? • If yes, how do you intend to manage the stock you list on the site?
お客様が販売の上限の引き上げをリクエストしてくださったことを嬉しく思います。このことはお客様が弊社でさらに販売量を増やし事業を拡大しようとされていることを示すものである以外のなにものでもありません。お客様のお手伝いをさせて頂き、販売の上限を引き上げる方法についての情報をご提供申し上げます。•お客様の社名は何でしょうか。•事業を始められてからどのくらいになりますか。•ホームページがございますか。•ご自身のホームページを含めて他のサイトで販売しておられますか。•もしそうであれば、インターネット販売でどのくらいの経験をお持ちですか。•本アカウントで、何人の従業員を雇っておられますか。•eBayに特化した商品を販売にしておられますか。それとも一般でも購入可能な商品を出品しておられますか。• その場合は、本サイト上の在庫をどのように管理しようとしておられますか。
I understand that you were not able to successfully contact us. My name is Miks and I’ll be more than happy to help you with your concern.Before anything else, I would just like to commend you for your patience and effort in trying to resolve this issue about your account linked to your husbands which unfortunately is not doing good. It actually shows that you really are committed as a seller on eBay, just like what you said.Now, regarding your husbands account, I do apologize but we wont be able to disclose the information as to what exactly needs to be resolved for the reason that it’s a different account and we need you or your husband to contact us using that account, this is all for security purposes.
Although, you can always contact us using the number below, so that this issue can be resolved much faster.If you are prompted to enter a PIN number, just press the pound (#) sign on your phone and you will be rerouted to a Customer Service Representative, from there you can then discuss the issue with regards to your husbands account, as long as your able to verify the account.I trust that I was able to explain everything clearly, and if you have additional concerns please don’t hesitate to contact us.
The bubble wrap was not damaged and the case is also not damaged at the location of the damage on the guitar. The packaging within the case was very secure. The photos in your listing for the sale of this guitar did not show the area where the damage is located, due to the condition of the hard case being fine at the location of the damage and the fact that the case is completely in tact ruling out a crushing force I do not understand how this damage could have been occurred in transit.How do I go about claiming insurance when the hard case in not damaged?Scratches are to be expected on a guitar of this age. This damage is structural as you will see in the picture on my listing.
Hi Akiko I have chosen the smaller human eye to use in your Bonnie. I know...I didn't wait for your answer, but I am sure you like this eye better! Here are two pictures of her completed. If you would like her lips darker please let me know...I made them paler pink like you asked.She is truly gorgeous. You will love her.Please let me know your address....I saw your pay pal address but hard for me to understand.Please type your address in an email to me just like you want me to put on the box.Like here is example...my address is:So could you please type your address like I just did mine so I will have it correct on the box?
No sir we are ship you your parcel in last Monday on 27 date in last month. But the shipping company put wrong address on your parcel is shipped from uk. therefore the parcel is late . after know about this problem we are move the parcel from Japan.Don't worry sir you will get soon your parcel. and you can ship it at the time. Yes sir we know it's our responsibility but we are send you in same date that we are promise with you .but we will try to make our self more active about your products. you will take time from your customer and send him 1 or 2 day before at the time.we are really sorry for that we also want to work with you for a long time. we are apologize for our shipping company mistake.
Capaldi has said that his Doctor is "more alien than he's been in a while." He has stated that unlike his previous two incarnations who cared about humans and tried to understand them, this incarnation "doesn’t quite understand human beings or really care very much about their approval.” Jenna Coleman said of this Doctor, "He’s more removed, you can't quite access him in the same way", referring to the way you could with the more friendly accessible previous incarnation.[30] Capaldi also specifically requested that the Doctor will not flirt with his companion the way his previous incarnation did
キャパルディは自身のドクターについて「最近の作品よりもさらに異星人らしい」と語っている。キャパルティによると、人間の面倒を見て人間を理解しようとした前作の2回の再生に比べ今回の再生人は「人間を全く理解しておらず、人間に認められることを非常に気にかけている」。一方、ジェナ・コールマンはこのドクターについて前作の親切で親しみやすかった再生人を例に挙げて「彼はさらに近づきがたくなって、前と同じようには彼には近づけないわ」と語っている。[30] キャパルディは、前作の再生人がしたようにはコンパニオンとベタベタさせないようにと特別に要請も出している。
He has also been described as a "total adrenaline junkie". Steven Moffat has said of this Doctor, "He's a much fiercer, madder, less reliable Doctor".[31] "He’s not as immediately approachable and he’s not necessarily looking for your approval, when he says ‘Wait here, I’ll be back’, you’re not absolutely convinced... what he’s not doing is reassuring you very much.”[32] Mark Gatiss said that Capaldi's Doctor was "sort of Tom Baker, Jon Pertwee and even Christopher Eccleston style...it’s someone who’s not immediately going to be your best friend and can be quite abrupt and rude.
A. All of our leathers are either aniline or vegetable tanned - methods which are considered to be the most luxurious and are reserved exclusively for the highest quality products. As the most natural of all tanning processes, they involve as few chemicals as possible to ensure that the natural grain and DNA of the leather is not compromised. The more naked the product’s finish, the more demanding it is of the very finest, flawless skins. As this leaves the leather’s surface more vulnerable to potential scuffing or marking, however, it also demands a greater level of care and upkeep.
A. 当社の全てのレザーはアニリンまたは植物でなめしてあります。これは最高級品専用の最も贅沢なメソッドと考えられています。なめしの全てのプロセスを出来るだけ自然にするため、レザーの性質とDNAが損傷しないよう、可能な限り化学物質の使用量を減らしています。製品の仕上がりがネイキッドであればあるほど、完璧なスキンが求められます。それは、このようなスキンはレザーの表面に擦り傷や斑紋などが出来やすいためですが、手入れと維持にも一層の注意が必要となります。
Dear Sirs! Allow me to express my respect and ask a question. I like your lot, and I am considering the purchase option. The question is -Is there in the lot original box and Sigma storage bag? Very much like to buy a lens with box and storage bag. And another question - are the price final? or have the opportunity to move down in price? Thank you in advance for your reply. Best regards. Igor.
Hi there. I have been asked by parcelforce the courier company to pay £37.43 for custom. Witch I am not happy with. They said I have to pay before they can send the parcel to me. I think that's not right. Could you please solve this problem.
I already receive the camera, I was trying to used but for some reason it shows like batery is down, it shows like video casete not have Been placed inside And it has a tape to start recording, i will rey to clean the heads but if still not working i will need to returned And Fer my money back..., y will contacto you again after rey one more time. May I ask do I have to pay us duty tax? Thank you ! I will post a excellent review for youI can pay Thursday morning when I get paid, will send by noon eastern time, love in new york, united states. Thank u and sorry so lateHave a great night
可愛らしい巫女姿のμ'sメンバーがデザインされた蒔絵シールです。特殊な製法により作られたシールで、キラキラと光る非常に可愛い仕上がりとなっています。可愛らしいμ'sメンバー9人がデザインされています。ラブライブ!× 神田祭 コラボ記念商品。神田明神の神紋と、希の顔のプリントされた可愛らしいカステラ饅頭となっており、触感も非常に軽く、中身もチョコレートの食べやすいお菓子となっています。遷座400年の記念祭となる神田祭と、μ'sメンバー9名のコラボポスターです。お祭の記念にどうぞ!
This is a lacquer decoration designed seal with μ's members in cute Shrine maidens costume. The seal is manufactured by a special production method and the cute lacquer decoration is sprinkled with metal powder. μ's cute 9 members are on it. Love Live! plus Kanda Festival collaboration merchandisesOn this cute steamed yeast bun with filling, the divine emblem of Kanda Myojin and the face of Nozomi are printed. The soft tactile sweets, a filling of chocolate, is easy to eat. This is the collaboration poster of Kanda Festival's 400th anniversary of the relocation and μ's 9 members. Take it as a souvenir of the festival.
INATRA or Intan Kencana Travelindo is taking around 8 Years involved in Tourism Industry and Mostly for Religious Tourism. Their Services are a High End type of tourism that is flexible and private. It is indeed a more challenging customer but here also where you can apply the phrase “customers are king”. Inatra’s service is specializing for Family and Company. They also are providing service for International meeting. But their main target is for religious tourism. Their doing the service which is meeting high expectation in several area such as logistic, travel, food and beverages.
Intan Kencana Travelindo(INATRA)は宗教ツアーを主とした旅行業界に参入したこの8年間について語っている。INATRAのサービスは柔軟でプライベートな高級志向タイプの旅行だ。実際、客の扱いは難しいが、ここに「お客様は神様です」というフレーズが当てはまるのだ。INATRAは家族や企業に特化したサービスだ。また、国際会議用のサービスも提供している。ただし、会社の主なターゲットは宗教ツアーだ。会社は物流、旅行、飲食といったいくつかの分野における高い期待を満たすサービスを提供している。
KitchenThe reputation of nives and cutlery products made in Japan has been rising overseas in recent years, partly boosted by the government-led policy "Cool Japan". In addition, cute (kawaii in Jpanese) kitchen goods, which feature haigh functionality and smart design, have been launched in the market one after another. Just like the fashion has a trend, kitchen goods also have a trend. We are always trying to catch the trend of the times accurately and reflecting it in our products lines in a timely manner. SportsTriggered by growing health awareness in recent years, more and more people are embracing sports and outdoor activities as part of their lifestyle. This is the hot item category in which a variety of products has been released one after the other to meet the needs of manufacturers and users. We are constantly expanding our line-ups of items which can be used in a wide range of scenes from numerous national and international sports brands as well as outdoor brands to high-quality brand products, StationeryIn the category of stationery, Japanese manufacturers have strong momentum these days and innovative products like "a friction ball-point pen with erasing function" have been released in recent years. We are expanding our product lines to be able to meet the needs of both clients who seeks authentic products and those who seeks products that visualize a new life style. Digital devicesUnique products in this category are featured in the media on a daily basis. This is the category in which end-users are highly interested. Strong curiosity of the Japanese people is the driving force to collect new products from all over the world.We are expanding our line of products to satisfy our clients with our overseas partners while closely watching market trends to ensure to offer sustainable products.