Yumie (3_yumie7) Translations

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A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
3_yumie7 English → Japanese
Original Text

As the siege continued and hunger pressed upon the defenders, Ventidius and Pollio resolved to attempt a junction with Plancus and relieve Perusia. Marching across the Apennines, they were arrested by Agrippa and Salvidienus at Fulginiae, less than twenty miles from Perusia--their fire-signals could be seen by the besieged. Ventidius and Pollio were ready to fight. The caution of Plancus was too strong for them. There was no mutual confidence in the counsels of the Antonian generals. The soldierly Ventidius knew that Plancus had called him a muleteer and a brigand; and Pollio hated Plancus. But there was a more potent factor than the doubts and dissensions of the generals.



3_yumie7 English → Japanese
Original Text

Plancus marched northwards and took up a waiting position, as befitted his character, at Spoletium. Still no sign came from the East. In Perusia the consul professed that he was fighting in the cause of his brother, and his soldiers inscribed the name of Marcus Antonius as their imperator upon their sling-bullets; those of the besiegers bore appeals to Divus Julius or uncomplimentary addresses to Fulvia and to the bald head of L. Antonius. No less outspoken was the propaganda of the principals. Octavianus in verses of 'Roman frankness' derided the absent Antonius (not omitting a Cappadocian mistress) and insulted his wife Fulvia. Further, he composed poems of traditional obscenity about Pollio.



3_yumie7 English → Japanese
Original Text

Agrippa and Salvidienus out-manoeuvred him. Along with the defeated generals Furnius, Tisienus and a number of Antonian or Republican partisans, the consul threw himself into the strong city of Perusia and prepared to stand a brief siege, expecting prompt relief from Pollio and Ventidius. He was quickly undeceived. Octavianus at once invested Perusia with an elaborate ring of fortifications. Then, marching north-eastwards with Agrippa, he confronted Pollio and Ventidius, who, undecided and at variance, refused battle and retired through the Apennines. Nor did help come from the south in time or in adequate strength. Plancus, another of Antonius' men, occupied with establishing veterans near Beneventum.



3_yumie7 English → Japanese
Original Text

Antonius' generals in Italy and the western provinces, lacking instructions, doubted the veracity of his brother and his wife.Salvidienus made his way back from Spain through the Cisalpina; Pollio and Ventidius followed, slow but menacing, in his rear. The war had already broken out in Italy. Etruria, Umbria and the Sabine country witnessed a confusion of marches and counter-marches, of skirmishes and sieges. Furnius sought to defend Sentinum for Antonius: Salvidienus captured the town and destroyed it utterly.Nursia, remote in the Sabine land, held out for freedom under Tisienus Gallus, but was forced to a capitulation.These were episodes:L. Antonius was the central theme. He sought to break away to the north.



3_yumie7 English → Japanese
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3_yumie7 English → Japanese
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3_yumie7 English → Japanese
Original Text

For a time he refused to let Salvidienus pass through the Cisalpina on his way to Spain; and now he might bar the return of Octavianus' best marshal and last hope.The Triumvir's own province, all Gaul beyond the Alps, was held for him by Calenus and Ventidius with a huge force of legions: they,too, had opposed Salvidienus.But that was not all.The Republican fleets dominated the seas, Ahenobarbus in the Adriatic, Murcus now with Pompeius.Pompeius seems to have let slip his opportunity--not the only time.A concerted effort of the Antonian and Republican forces in Italy and on the seas adjacent would have destroyed Octavianus.But there was neither unity of command nor unity of purpose among his motley adversaries.



3_yumie7 English → Japanese
Original Text

Martin Schoeller (born March 12, 1968) is a New York-based photographer whose style of "hyper-detailed close ups" is distinguished by similar treatment of all subjects whether they are celebrities or unknown. His most recognizable work are his portraits, shot with similar lighting, backdrop, and tone. His work appears in The New Yorker, Outside Magazine, Entertainment Weekly, Rolling Stone, Time, GQ, Esquire, and Vogue.[1] He has been a staff photographer at The New Yorker since 1999
With more than 200 photographs that have been culled from a vast archive, Who Shot Ya? is the first major pictorial history of hiphop culture.


ニューヨークをベースに活躍する写真家マーティン・スコエラー(1968年3月12日生)は、被写体がセレブだろうが無名人だろうが、間近から顔の隅々まで写し出すスタイルで知られている。なかでも有名な作品は同じ照明、背景、トーンで撮影したポートレートだ。スコエラーの作品は『ザ・ニューヨーカー』『アウトサイド・マガジン』『エンターテイメント・ウィークリー』『ローリング・ストーン』『タイム』『GQ』『エスクァイア』『ヴォーグ』に掲載されている[1] 。1999年より『ザ・ニューヨーカー』のスタッフカメラマン。
膨大なファイルの中から選び抜かれた200枚以上の写真を収録した『Who Shot Ya? 』は、ヒップポップ・カルチャーの歴史を写真でたどった初の写真集。

3_yumie7 English → Japanese
Original Text

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3_yumie7 English → Japanese
Original Text

Octavianus had retired to southern Etruria. His situation was precarious. He had already recalled his marshal Salvidienus, who was marching to Spain with six legions to take charge of that region. Even if Salvidienus returned in time and their combined armies succeeded in dealing with L. Antonius, that was the least of his difficulties. He might easily be overwhelmed by the Antonian generals, strong in prestige and mass of legions. But the Antonians were separated by distance and divided in counsel. In Gallia stood Pollio with an army of seven legions.The decision to abolish this province and unite the territory to Italy had not yet, it appears, been carried out, perhaps owing to the recalcitrance of Pollio.



3_yumie7 English → Japanese
Original Text

Townships often treat elected committees as if they were subordinates, and village leaders may find themselves squeezed, like the meat in an overstuffed sandwich, or as the Jiangxi director quoted above put it: ‘like a rat caught in the bellows’. Sometimes, it does not even take much pressure to coax committee members to ‘voluntarily be responsible to higher levels’ . Fiscal realities and features of the cadre management
system make it difficult to refuse jobs imposed by townships, whatever the views of voters.

To fulfill many of their responsibilities, such as providing public goods, committees often must rely on townships for help. The tax-for-fee reform deepened a fiscal crisis in many villages (& townships),




3_yumie7 English → Japanese
Original Text

as local leaders lost the ability to raise funds they had previously depended upon. Constructing and repairing roads, maintaining irrigation systems, and supporting the elderly and disabled, all become difficult, especia in agricultural areas where other social institutions cannot pick up the slack.

Personnel management regulations have also created incentives that spur
cadres to respond to demands received from above. The ‘cadre responsibility
system’ links bonuses and punishment to higher level
assessments of performance. In many locations, the salary and bonuses of
village committee members are determined by township authorities, and levels are
set in accord with how well important assignments are carried out.


地元指導者がかつて依存していた資金の調達能力を失ったため、農村税改革は多くの村(や郷)の財政危機を深刻化させた。 道路の建設・補修、灌漑システムの維持、高齢者や身体障害者に対する支援などは全て難しくなり、特に他の社会機関が不足を補うことのできない農業地域では事態は深刻だ。


3_yumie7 English → Japanese
Original Text

Some localities, in the wake of the tax-for-fee reform, have gone so far as to list
village cadres on the township or county level payroll. This further empowers
townships, and makes committee members more pliable in the face of demands
from above.

Finally, some committees do not control their own budgets. Entrusting village
accounts to township management has become a common means to strengthen
supervision of rural finances. This has created opportunities for townships to
appropriate village funds and may leave elected bodies with virtually nothing to
manage. Although this need not enhance compliance, it does diminish the role of
committee members, and makes how democratically they were elected somewhat
beside the point




3_yumie7 English → Japanese
Original Text

Grassroots balloting has also had a perceptible effect on villagers’ attitudes. Kevin has argued that elections are not only
efforts to draw rural people into the local polity, but they are also an avenue through
which citizenship practices may emerge before full citizenship is recognized.
Li has shown that free and fair elections enhance feelings of political
efficacy and can help implant the idea that political power derives from the consent of
the people. And in a recent study of a long-time ‘demonstration’ area,
Schubert suggest that elections can boost regime
legitimacy, owing to a ‘rational trust’ that villagers come to have in their leaders, in
which elections assure voters that this trust will be honored.



3_yumie7 English → Japanese
Original Text

Though many observers speak of democracy when they examine self-governance in
China, few of them have stopped to define the term. Because they seek to avoid courting controversy, as democracy is at root an ‘essentially contested concept’. Still, some efforts have been made by political theorists to standardize usage.many have taken Dahl’s definition of polyarchy as the first, most straightforward characterization of democracy. Following Dahl, they adopt a ‘procedural minimum’ understanding of democracy, which ‘presumes fully contested elections with full suffrage and the absence of massive fraud, combined with effective guarantees of civil liberties, including freedom of speech, assembly, and association’.



3_yumie7 English → Japanese
Original Text

This first ever monograph on highly influential Japanese designer Shiro Kuramata (1934-91) is a two-volume title presenting all of his compelling and idiosyncratic work for a diverse audience of designers and design enthusiasts who love Kuramata but will be surprised to discover the breadth and depth of his remarkable body of work.
"It’s a good book. Very good, actually. Very good war comics, requiring no prior experience with anime or mecha or Gundam – just a well-made, old-fashioned war comic, full of thrills and spills and lucky breaks and narrow escapes and preening villains you’ll love to hate and pigheaded heroes you may hate to love, and expert drawings by a master craftsman, and hard, sturdy violence


大きな影響力を持つ日本人デザイナー倉俣 史朗(1934-91)の初のモノグラフである本書(2巻)は、人の心をグッと掴んで離さない倉俣のユニークな全作品を紹介している。デザイナーやデザイン愛好家からなる倉俣ファンは本書を手にして秀逸な作品群の幅の広さと底深さを発見して驚くに違いない。

3_yumie7 English → Japanese ★★★★★ 5.0
Original Text


"Bolano's savoir-faire is incredible ... The exploded narrative reveals a virtuosity that we rarely encounter, and one cannot help being bowled over by certain bravura passages--to single one out, the series of reports describing murdered young women, which is both magnificent and unbearable. We won't even mention the 'resolution' of this infernal 2666, a world of a novel in which the power of words triumphs over savagery." --Baptiste Liger, L'EXPRESS

"Splendid ... The jaw-dropping synthesis of a brief but incredibly fertile career." --Fabrice Gabriel, LES INROCKUPTIBLES



「ボラノの機転の良さは全く驚くべきだ・・・感情がほとばしる語り口は、出会い難い名人芸で、その巧妙な文章は最後の一小節まで読む者を圧倒せずにはおかない。殺された若い女性を描写した一連の記事はすばらしく耐えがたいほどだ。読者はこの地獄の2666の「解決」について語ることすらできまい。1つの小説の世界の中で言葉の力が残虐性に打ち勝っているのだ。」─L'EXPRESS誌 バプティスト・リジェ 

「素晴らしい・・・短いが驚くほど創造力豊かなキャリアの統合にはあいた口がふさがらないほどだ。」LES INROCKUPTIBLES誌 ファブリス・ガブリエル

3_yumie7 English → Japanese
Original Text

Fulvia, if anybody, knew the character of her husband: he neither would nor could go back upon his pledges of alliance to Octavianus. She must force him--by discrediting, if not by destroying, the rival Caesarian leader, and thus win for her absent and unsuspecting consort the sole power which he scarcely seemed to desire. Octavianus, while prosecuting the policy of the Caesarian party, was in danger of succumbing to just such an alliance of Caesarians and Republicans as he had stirred up against Antonius nearly three years earlier. In alarm he sent his confidential agent, Caecina, and L. Cocceius Nerva, on an urgent mission to Syria. Caecina returned without a definite message, but Nerva stayed with Antonius.


知っている者がいたとすれば、それはフルウィアで、彼女は夫の性格を知っていた。夫のアントニウスはオクタヴィアヌスとの同盟の約束を撤回をしようともしないし、出来もしなかっただろう。彼女はライバルでカエサル派のリーダーの息の根を止めることができないのなら信用を傷つけることによって夫を強いて、夫がほとんど望んでいないように思われた唯一の権力を ぼんやりして疑うことをしらない夫のために勝ち取らねばならなかった。オクタヴィアヌスはカエサル派の政策を遂行する一方で、それより前の3年近くの間、アントニウスに対し物議を醸してきたため、まさにそのようなカエサル派と共和主義者らの同盟に敗れる危険があった。不安を感じたオクタヴィアヌスは密使カエキナとL.コッケイウス・ネルウァに緊急の使命を負わせてシリアに派遣した。カエキナは決定的なメッセージを持たずに戻ってきたが、ネルヴァはアントニウスの元に留まった。